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(A/N I wanna say it again that I am using the character's not the real people so I will be using their character names or what they are usually called on camera. Just wanna remind everyone these are the characters :D One more thing I wanna kinda make clear is that even though Tommy has a phone, he couldn't really use it at the orphanage and stuff because they don't have good wifi or something.  have fun reading now





"Ranboo! I missed you, man!"

"I missed you too Tommy! ...What happened?"

"Well... I lost my discord password when it logged me out, so we haven't really been able to talk. Which I'm sorry about. But I haven't been at school since this family is fostering me. It's not too bad to be honest, they're letting me borrow a PC"

"Good for you then! They're better than the others?"

"Yeah, I'd say so. I've only known them a couple days so can't be too quick to judge"

"Okay, that's good man. Sucks you moved schools but at least we have discord now"

"Haha yeah... I'm glad I got to borrow the computer"

"Yeah me too. Wanna play some Minecraft? I have a private server we can play survival mode on"

"Sure give me the IP"

"Alright..." Ranboo sent the IP and Tommy joined the server.

Once Tommy's character loaded in he saw Ranboo's enderman skin.

Tommy punched Ranboo's character.

"Hey! Why'd you do that?"

"What you gonna do about it b- AH" Ranboo started chasing Tommy and punched his character. "I'm sorry!!!!"


"HAHAHAHAH" Tommy used his signature laugh.

TommyInnit was slain by Ranboo

Ranboo joined in on the laughing.

Tommy smiled on his side of the screen. He really had missed his friend.


"I FOUND DIAMONDS'' the Diamonds! achievement showed in the chatbox.

"Yes! Bring them back, we need to make an enchantment table"

"Okay I'm on my way" you could hear the space-key being tapped from Ranboo's keyboard.

Tommy was working on building their shared house. It was made mostly of cobblestone, Tommy's favorite block.

"Wait... NO NO NO NO NO NO NO-"

Ranboo tried to swim in lava

"NOOO THE DIAMONDS" Ranboo reacted a bit overdramatically.

"What have you done now bitch?" Tommy laughed a bit.

"A skeleton hit me in the lava and I lost all my things"

"Eyy don't worry big man. We may not have diamonds, but we have the most epic home"

"Where is it?" Ranboo looked around before looking at Tommy who was slowly turning his character's head to look at Ranboo's and brought out his iron sword and armor.

"What did you just say Ranboo?"

"I sai- HEY WAIT I WAS KIDDING-" Tommy started attacking Ranboo's character while Ranboo tried to run off.


Ranboo was slain by TommyInnit

"That's what you get for insulting my home"

"haha, I'm sorry Tommy! Your house actually looks good"

"Thank you"


"Well, Ranboo I better get off now. I have class in the morning and I don't wanna get in trouble for staying up"

"I should get off too... bye Tommy I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow. Bye Ranboo"

He hung up the call and turned off the PC.

Today was a good day. Tommy got to play Minecraft with his new friend, get in contact with an old friend, it may not seem like much but it was a great day for Tommy.


580ish words. Not very long.

I wrote another 2-part chapter about Wilbur and Schlatt's pov but I don't know if I'm gonna post it for the book since it's not really that good or necessary right now. In all it was like 1700 words but yeah idk if I'm gonna post it, unless people like wanna see it I could post them or I probably will at some point but I don't know

I got bored of listening to Wilbur soot music (and some other songs) over and over again when I write so now I'm watching documentaries when I write and it is POGGERS let me tell you. It is very cool since I'm learning so much about different things about the world and situations or the brain or stuff like that. It sounds boring when I say documentaries but they're pretty interesting and relaxing when writing. Definitely better than repeating the same music every night for 2 hours each night so yeah.

Also thank you all SO SO SO much for all the reads and votes and comments I've been getting. It says I was #18 in the new section which is amazing to be honest. Like I'm up with the people with millions of reads which doesn't make any sense. I don't understand the Wattpad algorithm or whatever cause it makes no sense. But I must be doing good because I am just 'so incredibly famous'. But it's insane that I'm passing up the books or authors that inspired me to write this book and just thank you all so much.

Reminder: I will respond to all comments I know what to respond with! Also, take care of yourself, please :) make sure you eat today and drink some water.


What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now