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TW: flashback, ED mentions, feelings of guilt (idk if thats a trigger but I thought I'd add it)

"breakfast!" Phil called from the kitchen.

Phil noticed Tommy at the dining table "Hey Tommy. You up to going to some shops today?"

"Uhm... to get what?" Tommy responded.

"To get you some new clothes, room decor, just some things you might need"

"Uhm...are you sure? I wouldn't want you to waste you money on me. There's so many people who need it more..." He mumbled the last part.


Tommy was on his way back from school. Tommy didn't really like school but it was better than being bullied back at the orphanage. To get back to the orphanage he had to pass through a small part of the city. He walked around some shops and near some other buildings.

He was taking the long way back to the orphanage hoping to somehow avoid dinner. It was unlikely though because dinner was served at 5:30 and his school released at 3:00. The long walk would only occupy him an hour.

Tommy made his way down the empty sidewalk. Not many people were out since work didn't usually release until later.

Tommy was looking down at his feet walking on the sidewalk. He saw the cracks in between every tile. Something caught Tommy's eye next to his feet. It was a fifty dollar bill. That was the most money Tommy had ever seen up front. He crouched down to pick up the bill. He felt rich. He had never had that much money since he arrived at the orphanage. He took a look around to see if someone may have just dropped it and he could return it. But no one was there.

Tommy slipped the bill into his pocket planning on saving it for something important.

He continued his walk back towards the orphanage. He saw another pair of feet at the corner of his vision. He looked up to see who the feet belonged to.

There was a young man that looked to be around 19 was sitting on the side of the road. He had a shirt that was much to big for him on and a coat that was wrapped around him. The man looked cold. He was sat with a backpack and a sign.

Tommy knew he wasn't supposed to talk to strangers but he did it often anyways. He sat next to the young man on the curb.

"Hi, my names Tommy. What's yours?

The man just now noticed the younger boys presence and he jumped a little. "My name is Jimmy. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you to, Jimmy. Why are you out sitting on the streets?"

"Well I don't have anywhere to stay. I lost my job and my parents kicked me out. I don't got much money so I'm just on the streets"

"That's really terrible... At least I have somewhere to stay inside. Even if it isnt a home. I stay at the orphanage down the street. It's definently not the best place to stay but its something" Tommy took a seat next to the older boy.

"I'm sorry to hear that you have to stay at an orphanage rather than with your parents... but your so young... what happened?"

"I'd rather not talk about it..." Tommy mumbled his reply.

"Oh im sorry I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories" Jimmy started feeling bad.

"No, its okay don't be sorry. It's my fault anyways"

"well you should probably get back to your place"

"No i'd rather not... I don't wanna be there. There's a few kids that are just idiots cause they're parents left them or some shit"

What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now