23 (TW)

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Okay everyone, today is a pretty serious topic in the chapter. This chapter covers the heavy topic of suicide. Now if this topic triggers you please don't read this chapter. If your ever considering suicide please talk to someone. There are multiple numbers you could call to reach a suicide hotline. I will list some of those here and at the end of the chapter.

T.W/C.W: Suicide, mentions self harm, mentions starving/starvation, low self-esteem, cussing, passing out, voices, just overall sadness.

 800-273-8255 National Suicide prevention Lifeline, Or if you want to message someone in a text, message: 838255


"Uh, Dad. I'm gonna go take a walk"

"Okay, son. Stay safe. Cya later"

"Bye, dad... Love you"

Wilbur closed the door behind him and started his long walk down a path that led past their house and through a forest.

He walked past the tall trees and stepped on fallen leaves or twigs. He ducked beneath branches and pushed past some vines hanging from the trees. After a bit longer of walking, he was met with the wall of vines. He pushed some of the vines out of the way and walked through.

He was met with the familiar space he would always go. He would bring Schlatt with him there all the time. He thought about all the fun times, the sad times, the happy times. All the times they would spend there together.

Though this time Wilbur was alone. He wasn't going to stay long. He looked up towards the night sky. He was going somewhere else...

He looked over to the tree he and Schlatt had carved their names into. He ran his hand across the misshapen letters. The wood was rough beneath his soft fingertips.

He let out a sigh and removed his hand. He took one final look at his favorite place. Too bad he was never gonna see it again...any of it. It would all just be in the past.

Wilbur wiped his nose from the harsh cold. It was December, and god was it cold out there. He wrapped his coat tighter around his figure.

Hurry up, Wilbur...

"Shut up" Wilbur whispered aloud.

The longer you stand here the worse it is for everyone else.


You're a waste of space.

"I-... I know"

Hurry on then.

Wilbur made his way back on the "path". He took in the scene as he walked past. There were tall trees that had grown taller with him. He was only 16 but he has grown a lot. There were overgrown plants near his feet. Small pieces of litter were scatted all across the forest.

He felt a buzz in his pocket.

"Fucking great" this is exactly the opposite of what he wanted. He didn't want to talk to fucking-

"Techno?" Wilbur pulled his phone out and let it ring for a moment.

When he realized the call would hang up he clicked the pick-up button.

"Hey, Wilbur. Dinner is ready if you wanna head back home now"

He winced at the mention of eating,"Uh... I think I'm just gonna grab something to eat by myself or eat later"

"You've been eating out of the house a lot lately. But you never eat out"

"Well...I just have wanted to eat out lately"

What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now