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TW/CW: ED mentions, and uh school

Tommy heard footsteps approaching his room. A knock was heard at his door.

"Come in"  Tommy said loud enough for the other to hear.

The door opened. "Good morning Tommy! You gotta go to school today. We'll leave in an hour" Phil's voice was much more calm then last night.

"Alright" Tommy started getting up and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm making you some breakfeast so it'll be done in a few minutes"

He didn't really want to eat though. He spoke up as Phil turned to leave "you don't need to make me anything I'm not hungry"

"You don't have to eat all of it. Just some of it okay?"

Tommy rolled his eyes and thought about it for a moment. He mumbled "fine"

Phil smiled and turned to leave Tommy's room and closed the door behind him.


Tommy was sitting in the passanger seat next to Phil. He wasn't to nervous about his new school. He just couldn't do anything to make him disliked. As long as he didn't bother anyone it should be fine...

He was hoping the teachers would be decent.

"You can get your schedule in the front office, your already registered in the school and everything so there shouldn't be any problems. If you need anything just go tell the teachers. I'll come pick you up after school okay?"


"And make sure you eat your lunch"

"Yeah no problem" Tommy lied. It would be a problem. He didn't like eating. It made him feel kind of sick if he ate more than a few bites.

He left the car and walked towards the front of the school where a lot of kids were waiting for the doors to open. He leaned against a wall near the door, trying to blend in with the crowd. He peaked down at his phone searching for something to occupy himself.

He scrolled through twitter until he felt another presence near him. He looked up and saw a short brown haired boy who wore a green shirt and a large grin.

"Hi! My name is Tubbo!" the boy said.

Tommy kept his eyes on the boy for a moment before moving his eyes back to his phone. "I'm Tommy"

"Well it's nice to meet you Tommy! I like your name. Do you wanna be friends?"

Tommy stopped himself from rolling his eyes. This kid had to much energy. But Tommy could use one friend at least in his school. "Sure"

"Oh yes! You seem like a nice guy. You seem new. Is this your first day?"

Tommy knew he would regret saying yes but he already said it. He sighed "Yeah, my first day"

"I can show you where your classes are if you want! What does your schedule look like?"

Tommy pulled out his scedule revealing it to Tubbo.

"We have all the same classes! That's great!"

Tommy smiled a bit at the enthusiastic boy. Maybe this friendship would work out?

The bell rang.

"C'mon lets go to class" Tommy moved from his spot against the wall.

"Yeah follow me!"

Tommy was pulled through the crowd by the shorter boy.


There was no one really interesting to any of the kids or teachers he found at the school. He wondered who the 'popular' kids were. And the 'nerds' and groups like that. He didn't wanna mix into the wrong group. He was planning on trying to last longer in this family. They all seemed like nicer people who genually cared about him. And he had a decent school and had a friend already.

Tubbo had been with Tommy the entire day. Showing him to his classes and all.

It was lunch time now so they found an empty table farther from anyone else.

"You liking the school Tommy?" Tubbo asked the blonde.

"Yeah it's fine. Nothing bad about it"

"That's good!" Tubbo started eating his lunch.

Tommy felt his lunch money in his pockets. He didn't want to order any lunch. He could just talk to Tubbo and drink some of his water.

"You like Minecraft?" Tubbo asked.

"Yeah I've played it a few times at my friend's house"


"Tommy watch out! There's a creeper behind you!"

"AHHHHH NO" Tommy yelled out.

TommyInnIt was blown up by a creeper

The two burst into laughter as Tommy respawned his character.

"You gotta fix the house now y'know?"

"Yeah yeah whatever"

Tommy's character ran past the enderman skin and got his items. He started building back the wood on the house the creeper had destroyed.


Tommy smiled at the thought of his old friend. He was sad he couldn't see him anymore though.

"I love minecraft to. It's my favorite game" Tubbo explained.

"Yeah. I wish I could play it more but I don't have a computer"

"Well you could use mine sometime" Tubbo smiled.

"That'd be fun"

Tubbo continued eating his lunch until he got a notification from youtube on his phone.

"OH YES! My favorite youtuber just posted!"

"Oh who do you watch?"

"Well mostly minecraft but theres this other guy who's my favorite!" he pointed to the name on the screen next to one of the videos.

The face looked familiar but he couldn't think of who he reminded him of.

"Send me the link to his channel will ya?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah no problem!" Tubbo sent the link and Tommy's phone buzzed.

He would check out the guys channel a different time.

He continued the rest of his school day with his new friend.


HELLO 900+ words

sorry not a long chapter but it is very important!!!

I haven't felt like writing this chapter which is why it took forever for me to post it but it's fine because I got it finshed now and can do other stuff now!

I didn't go back and edit this chapter because I'm fuckin tired but I'll probably edit it tommorow if I need to.

Anyways depending on if I feel like it there will be a long chapter I've been working on posted tomowwow!!! It's a pretty interesting one so look forward to that.




seriousely thank you all so much it means so much to me for all this.

Ima go to sleep now cause I got class in like 6 hours so yeah. Go take care of yourself :D


What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now