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TW/CW: mentions blood and self harm, cussing, (I think that's it)

(Also the times I put are still fucked so ignore that haha)

It's been 6 weeks since the social worker visited, the day following the social worker is when the yelling had started up again. Hm? Not even 24 hour's between that time and the last.

Wilbur has started hanging out with this guy Techno had over one time. He wore green a lot. He seemed like a bastard. Tommy didn't know the guy, but he had started referencing to him by calling him "Green bastard". His friends found that hillarious when he brought it up.

Schlatt seemed to be there less while the green bastard was here more.

Wilbur was often in his room with either Schlatt, or the green bastard. What they did in there: No one knows.

But, Tommy had been bonding with Techno more and more. They would play Minecraft in Tommy's spare time between school, playing Minecraft with his friends, or listening to Wilbur yelling at his brother, and dad.

Phil told Tommy he had an eating disorder. Tommy didn't really belive it, but also according to Phil, he was getting better. Whatever that means.

School has been good for Tommy, too. He was getting decent grades, passing all his classes. Though he did have a big test coming up soon. He needed to study a LOT. It was the most important test he was going to have at this school so far.

He was sitting at the desk in his room with his notebook open.

Techno had written him some practice problems for math. He started to solve them. Slowly, but surely. Math wasn't his strongest subject, though he did have a B which was decent.

He started tapping his pencil against the desk as he looked at the math equation that had him stumped. He started tapping a bit to fast and a bit to close to the edge of the desk, and it fell near the far table leg.

Tommy rolled his eyes before leaving his chair to crouch down. He spotted his pencil and went to grab it. But as he did, he noticed something else.

"What the fuck?"

There was a blood stain on the wooden floor. It was quite large, about the size of his hand if you compared the two.

Tommy stood up and recalled his discovery he had made last week.

He turned over a corner of the rug to see another, smaller blood stain.

He flipped over the rug again, and left his room.

He knocked on Techno's door. He heard footsteps coming closer. The door opened. "Hey, Tommy"

"Hi, Techno. I don't understand how to solve this equation, could you please help?"

"Of course, Tommy" Techno closed his room door after stepping out. They both made their way back to Tommy's room.

Tommy rolled his gaming chair over to his desk (yes he has two desks now) so Techno could sit down with him.

He pointed to the equation that had caused him trouble, and Techno started to explain how to solve it.

"Thanks, Techno"

"No problem, Tommy" he stood up to leave but before he could Tommy spoke up.

"I actually have another question"

Techno turned around. "Yeah?"

"Why are there bloodstains on the floor in here?" he was scared to ask. When there's bloodstains on the floor of your home, it isn't usually a good sign.

Techno's slight smile dropped. "Uhm... this used to be Wilbur's room"

"That doesn't quite answer my question, but okay..."

Techno looked at a certain spot on the floor. He seemed to be stuck in some sort of stare. "Oh, sorry, Tommy. I just realized what this looks like to you. I promise we didn't do anything, but if you want to know why they're there then you gotta ask Wil"

"Oh... uhm, thanks Techno" I don't think I will be asking Wilbur right now...

"You need anything else?"


"I'll see you at dinner"

Tommy had seen a lot of weird things in his room. He always pushed it off as nothing, but maybe there's a story for how the marks or dents on the wall, or the mysterious stains.

But what happened?

684 words

shorter chapter, but haha yeah.

OMG I FUCKING LOVE THE Lovejoy BAND OMFG AHHHH It's like the only thing I listen to now, and it's not blocked on my school account so I listen to it in study hall and shit LOL. So just assume that 99+ of the views are from me. I dunno if I like 'One day' or 'Sex cells' better.

I want more views so share my book /j LOL


I find it funny how I said I would edit the book (grammar and stuff) at spring break and now it's nearly summer break and I've only gotten to chapter 4 or something LMAO THERES FKN 31 CHAPTERS NOW

Also someone put links of yt vids or smthn on how to pvp better in my comments cause I wanna be like those people who swerve round and click so much that your up in the air and can't hit nothing.

I've got the chapters coming out bois

(also when I say bois I mean everyone not just boys jsyk)

Also btw I haven't been grammar checking soooooo yeah


What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now