18 (messed up the title at first smh)

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"Okay, Wilbur. You better get to bed now. You have school in the morning"

"Alright, Dad. I'll go to bed soon"

"Not too late though, okay? Goodnight"

"Won't be too late, night"

Wilbur turned and headed up the stairs. He closed the door behind him once again and made his way over to his guitar. He opened the case and pulled out the instrument. He took a seat on the floor, leaning against his bed. He moved the capo down to the third fret and started strumming some chords. He played some tab.

He smiled when he perfected the tab.

(Vocab since idk if everyone is gonna know what tab and a capo or chords are lmao. A capo is a thing you use on the neck of a stringed instrument to make the pitch higher, you place it on the frets of a guitar. Chords on a guitar are a combination of notes I guess you would say. And tab is when you play one string at a time and you kind of pluck the strings. Hopefully that makes sense)

After a good 20ish minutes Wilbur decided to get some sleep. He climbed onto his bed not bothering to change his clothes, and he layed on his pillow and shut his eyes.


"Hello! I'm Niki!" a girl with bright pink hair said in a sweet, comforting voice.

"Uhm..Hi. I'm Wilbur" Wilbur held out a hand for the other to shake.

She gladly shook hands with Wilbur.

She seemed like she would be a good friend based on her comforting voice and sweet appearance.

"So I guess were locker neighbors" Niki smiled.

"Yeah, my locker is right here and then Schlatt's" he pointed to the locker to the left of his own.

"Okay, that's good. I was worried I'd be stuck next to some weird kid, but you seem nice"

"Thanks. You wanna sit with me and my friend at lunch? You also seem nice" Wilbur asked.

"Sure! That would be great. I don't know many people besides my best friend, Minx. She's also new here. Could she also sit with us?"

"Yeah, sure"

"Niki!" a thick Irish accent was heard from a girl not too far away.

"I'd better get going now. That's Minx. I'll see you later" Niki walked in the opposite direction before Wilbur could say goodbye.

She seemed nice. Would probably make a good friend. She's also really pretty. I should probably find Schlatt and get to class. Speaking of Schlatt where is he? He wasn't outside with Wilbur for long. He went to go do something...


Wilbur quickly turned around to see Schlatt next to him.

"Jesus Schlatt! You scared me"

Schlatt chuckled. "haha sorry Wil. Let's get to class yeah?"


They walked down the hallway towards their first lesson. There was still a minute or two before class starts so they stood in the hall for a few moments.

"What were you doing Schlatt? Before you came to get me I mean"

Schlatt flinched at the question. "Uh...I wasn't doing anything. Just talking to a fri- someone. No big deal"

Wilbur was about to ask another question but Schlatt beat him at speaking. "Let's go in. Class is gonna start any second now"

Wilbur nodded and walked inside with Schlatt behind him. He took his assigned seat in the front of the classroom while Schlatt went to the opposite side in the front.

What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now