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TW: Cussing, ED, slight mention of past abuse/ trauma, and puke

¨Tommy? Did you hear me? We're here¨ Phil tried to bring back Tommys attention.

Techno noticed Tommys quickened breathing. ¨Hey Tommy, you okay?¨

Tommy took a moment to slow his breathing before responding, ¨Yes. Sorry Im fine. Just got caught on a thought¨ He was technically telling the truth right?

The family and Tommy left the car to be stood on the driveway. ¨Well this is our home. What do you think Tommy?¨ Wilbur questioned.

Tommy stood infront of the house admiring how it looked so modern, but so homely. The house was really nice. But it wasnt his home and probably never will be. ¨Uhm its very nice! I didn't expect it to be so nice.¨ Tommy stuttered out his words.

Phil chuckled a bit. ¨Here I'll grab your bag for-¨ Wilbur was cut off by Tommy.

¨NO!¨ He grabbed his bag. The others stood a little shocked. They hadn't seen him that loud or aggresive. ¨I- I'm sorry... I can get it myself...¨

Wilbur seemed a bit taken aback at this. He was just trying to be nice.

Tommy started panicking a little bit. He didnt mean to come out harsh like that. Shit Shit Shit Shit I already messed this up. They seemed so nice and now he was gonna get sent back already. He really didnt mean it. His heart beat sped up just a little bit. Phil stepped forward a little bit and held a hand towards Tommy. Tommy quickly stepped back at this, slight panic in his eyes. Phils hand dropped. Tommys breathing started quickening. ¨Tommy...¨ Phil started.

¨Im sorry. I didn't mean to-¨ Tommy blurted, cutting him off.

¨Tommy, you didnt do anything wrong. I was just gonna say that its okay. There's nothing for you to be sorry about¨ Phil continued.

Tommys breathing slowed down with his heartbeat back to normal. They aren't going to hurt me? I hadn't really messed up? No they're just being nice to pity me, they're just in it for the money. I can't get attached.

His thoughts were interrupted by Phil, ¨C'mon lets go inside. Its a bit chilly out here.¨

¨Yeah we'll give you a tour of the house before dinner" Wilbur chimed in.

Tommy nodded and followed the family into their house. The house was large. When you walked into the opening room it was tall. And the stairs were to the left. Upfront when you walked in was a large doorframe leading into a family room. There was a large T.V on a T.V stand and on the large shelf of the stand there was a gaming system with some boardgames and movies. A coffee table was infront of the main sofa. Besides the main sofa was a smaller sofa and an armchair. There was a short side table next to the sofas which held a lamp. A shelf held pictures of the family. Overall the room was nice. Before Tommy could continue his look around the room. He was interrupted by Wilbur speaking, "You could put your shoes here Tommy." He pointed to a mat that held everyone elses shoes. So Tommy slipped off his shoes beside the others.

A/N: Sorry there wont be much of a description to the rooms since I feel like that'd be boring :/ So you could kinda make your own descriptions if you'd like but im just gonna say like where everything is. Sorry go continue the story now lmao

After noticing Tommy finished slipping off his shoes Wilbur continued, "Heres the living room. And the kitchen is threw those doors-" He pointed to a door that was leading from the living room to the kitchen. "and heres the dining room-" he pointed to the open room to the right. They then turned to the hallway past the staircase to the left. "Here is the office. Usually where Dad is." Wilbur pushed open the door to the right in the hallway. There was a desk in the middle with a PC on top of it. There were bookshelves on the wall behind the desk chair. "Heres a bathroom" Wilbur pointed to the door at the end of the hall. "Then here's the laundry room then the garage" He pointed to the left doors in the hallway.

What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now