The Storm

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(You ready for this? Bring snacks and tissues just in case. This is a really long one.)



"GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND LOOK AT THIS!" Remus threw me the map and I screamed.

"I TOLD HIM NOT TO DO IT YET! GET MY JACKET AND LETS GO!" I stood up and put on my shoes and glared at him. "HURRY UP! We have to kill him tonight before the moon is at its peak."

"Go, I'm right behind you."

"So are we. LILY! It's time."

"I thought this wasn't happening for another few days!"

"Sirius is an impatient man. The git forgot that today's a full moon."



"You go first, Moony. And whatever happens, don't leave the shack."

Remus nodded and touched the knot on the Willow and we entered.

"Lily, I'm shaking."

"Hush! Just be prepared in case we have to step in. Pettigrew better die tonight."

"Go, go, go. I don't like what I'm hearing. Remember the plan."



I stood by the staircase waiting and I started shaking. Why? Just why tonight? Couldn't it wait?

"Apparently not. Sorry, Didi."

"Well, well, Sirius. Looking rather ragged aren't we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness within." I heard Remus say and I climbed the staircase making as little noise as possible. I stood by the door and out of sight and took out my wand.


"Not yet, James."

"You would know all about the madness, wouldn't you Remus?" Did he just? He didn't. Tell me he didn't.

"He did."

I saw Sirius hug Remus and I took it as my cue to step in.

"Well, well. Look who finally decided to show up. Impecable timing as always. Stupid, but impeccable nonetheless." I smirked and leaned on the doorway.

"I found him. He's here! Let's kill him!" Idiot! Not in front of the kids!



"No!" Hermoine yelled and I stepped closer to my boys. "I trusted you! And all this time, you'd been his friend. He's a werewolf and she's animagi! She's the Vixen we see in class!"

"Wow! Tell us something we don't know." I shrugged and leaned to whisper to Sirius. "Idiot! Not tonight!"

"How long have you known?" Don't scare the girl, Remus. Use common sense! Do I have to do everything around here?


"Since Professor Snape sent the essay." Remus gave me a look and I face-palmed.

"Not the time." I mumbled.

"Well, well, well, Hermoine. You really are the brightest witch of your age. You actually remind me of her." Remus pointed to me and I glared at him. THE PLAN! The- Fuck it, we'll just improvise.

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