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"People are not born to greatness, they are made, built, and forged into the world's greatest heroes." This is my story.

                                                                     Chapter 1

Doctor-I'm sorry Mrs. Midoriya, your son has a useless quirk said as Izuku sat there with his little All Might action, shocked and wide eyed.

Inko- What! Can you please explain? just as shocked as her son was.

Doctor-We ran a number of tests on your son, all came back positive for a quirk but he displays no real power. In these blood tests we took, we found an anomaly in this blood, in all my years of being a doctor I never seen this type of cell. Along with white, red, and platelets, he appears to have a special type of cells. I have no idea how he got these cells but what I do know is that it is unique only to him, there is no record of anyone else having this type of cell. I assume that this is his quirk with this type of cell. *Trying to make Inko understand without making the situation worse for her son.*

With a sad expression on her face she asked,

Inko-Well what do we do now? It has been his dream to be a hero, will he still be able to be a hero?"

Narrator-The doctor looked at her

Doctor- As to what to do now, I've sent a sample of his blood to a lab where they can do future test, and to your second question *Turning his attention to Izuku with a sad expression looking down at the floor he continued* I'm sorry son but no you can't become a hero

Narrator-This broke Izuku, when he got back to his apartment he didn't say a word to his mother, all he did was walk up to the computer and began to look up All Might rescue videos. After the video had finished he turned around to find his mom was behind him waiting for him to say something. With tears in his eyes he asked,

Young Izuku -Can I still become a hero if I have a useless quirk?

Narrator-Having no words, all she could do was run up to him, wrapping her arms around him, pulling him close, she held onto his small body and started to cry. Only thinking to herself ,

Inko-(I'm sorry...I'm sorry, Izuku for not being able to make your dreams come true)

Narrator-Izuku decided if people told him he couldn't be a hero then he would just have to be a hero without a quirk, after this he began to become obsessed with quirks and the hero's, he would get to know everything about their powers, weaknesses, and overall stats. He began to write down famous hero's names and take notes on how they used their power. Izuku will become a hero with or without a quirk he would show everyone that he could do it.

10 Years later...

Narrator- Now in this final year of Junior High (Middle School), Deku decided to do the best he could to become a hero this meant training. He began to wear 10lb or 4.5kg wrist mounted weights during his workout session, which consisted of push ups, sit ups, and plenty of juice. He started back in this first year of Junior High, so he had built up a decent amount of muscle, not a lot but enough for people to notice that he worked out.

Teacher-Alright you little parasites I know it's the end of the year and you are all looking forward to the summer break but don't forget that you have to start thinking where you will go to highschool. *Trying to calm his class down.* Since you all have dreams of becoming heroes I would think you will all be aiming to get into UA.

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