Bonus Chapter(Training)

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A/N-You're still here? It's over! Go home. Wait... you expected a tease for Super Deku Z?! Maybe a little Samuel L. Jackson? Sorry, that budget went to Yamcha's seriousness in the universe.  But if you can keep a secret, I can tell you who's gonna be in it. Towa & Mira! Well, since you're here and you're not going to leave. Might as well give you a bonus chapter, you persistent bas****s.*pulls out a book* I bet you're wondering what Izuku was doing after he got his S-Cells back,well I can tell you.

King Kai's Planet~

A/N-A year after Class 1-A graduated

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A/N-A year after Class 1-A graduated

Narrator-Izuku is sparring with Goku around King Kai's world. But when Goku SSJG knocked Izuku SSJ2 down, right next to King Kai's house.

King Kai-*runs out*What are you doing out here?!*Sees Izuku in his destroyed garage*Oh no! My car*crying*

Goku-Oops. Sorry King Kai.

King Kai-How about resurrecting us! And you!*points at Izuku* You just like him but less dumb in smarts! Lord Supreme Kai, can please start training Izuku to unlock his potential on the Sacred World of the Kai.

Izuku-Ow...*blacks out*

Supreme Kai-Very well. Kibito, we should restore Izuku's strength once we're back in the Land of the Kais.

Kibito-We're allowing another mortal step foot in our holy land?!

Supreme Kai-Yes. He may be one of the strongest mortals this universe has.

Kibito-Right. Kai Kai!*teleports him,Supreme Kai & Izuku to The Sacred World of the Kai*

The Sacred World of the Kai~

The Sacred World of the Kai~

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Kibito-*Heals Izuku*

Izuku-!!! Wh-What the...? Huh?! W-Where am I...?

Supreme Kai-This is the Land of the Kais, our home world.

Izuku-Wait! What?! Your home world?!

Kibito-Yes. This is a holy land that even the gods and Kais, and barely mortals, were to enter to see it.

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