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A/N-Yes another chapter out! Thank you all for reading my story! And Let's just jump into it!

Narrator-Izuku saw the bullet coming straight towards Uraraka and in the last second he managed to push her out of the way.

Uraraka-Deku what are you...

Narrator-She was cut off when blood splattered across her face.


She saw as he closed his eyes and fell towards the ground, blood trailing as he fell.

Dende-Midoriya!*catching him before he hit the ground*

Uraraka-*catches up to Dende*Deku! No! Dende is there anything you can do!?

Dende-I-I don't know, anything that can pierce his skin must be made of something strong. The amount of blood he's lost is too much for my healing power...*trying to heal him but everytime he did the wound would reopen*

Uraraka-UA! Recovery Girl found out what he really was and asked for blood samples. He's been going in almost every week so she has to have a lot.

Dende-*nods*Alright let's go. He won't last long, we need to get there quickly.

Narrator-Unfortunately as they were leaving the Japan's air force had surrounded them.

Air Force-This will be your only warning, land and surrender Izuku Midoriya to us!

Dende-D*** it! We can't waste time here. Uraraka take him for a second and whatever you do, don't look at me.*passing him to Uraraka and facing the pilots* Solar Flare!

Narrator-A blinding light engulfed the area around them, blinding the pilots. Dende-Uraraka let's go.

Narrator-She nodded and with Izuku in her arms she took off towards UA.

Uraraka-Come on Deku stay with me.


Narrator-Nezu was in his office contemplating the decision he made.

Nezu-Was it the right one? I don't know but it was a necessary one.

Narrator-Just then Aizawa walked into his office.

Aizawa-Sir, are you alright?

Nezu-No, I now have to live with the fact that I just killed one of my students. I know it was for the sake of the planet but even so.

Narrator-Nezu turned his chair towards the window as Aizawa stood there. Then he noticed something coming their way.

Aizawa-What is that?*walking towards the window*

Aizawa-It's Uraraka and Dende? But there is someone else.*squinting*It's Midoriya!

Nezu-(He's still alive!)*quickly got on the PA system*Every teacher on campus please report to the main gate now!

Narrator-The two ran out of the building and towards the entrance. Izuku's condition was deteriorating fast, if he didn't help in the next few minutes he would die, as they landed near the entrance a line of teachers stopped them from entering.

Nezu-That's far enough Dende, Uraraka.

Uraraka-Principle Nezu please let us go to Recovery Girl. Deku needs help.

Narrator-Uraraka tried to step forward but was stopped by Cementoss who created a small mound.

Nezu-I said that's far enough. We can't let him in, not after what he did.

Dende-Please sir, he is no longer the evil saiyan we knew. Izuku got his body back, he's back to normal.

Aizawa-We can't know that for sure. What if he attacks again, we'd be powerless to stop him.

Super Deku ( DBS x Mha)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن