Battle Start

701 19 13

A/N -Alright, Alright I know what you thinking! "Oh shouldn't Izuku be like 10x more stronger" Look I purposely scaled back Izuku saiyan powers FOR NOW! Please if you are willing to wait a few more chapters I will eventually make him alot stronger. I felt that given the power scale in the MHA universe I wanted him to be kinda strong not too OP but apparently people don't like that and want him OP as hell. If I made him OP from the start it would make for very boring fights. Izuku is fighting between his saiyan side and his human side, which leads him to fight internally with himself thus holding him back and lowering his battle power. He will eventually overcome this but as of now I hope you understand and please hang in there I wont dissapoint hopefully. Oh right and those who said they wanted more between IzuOcha don't worry I haven't forgotten. I get it, I want them to be together too, and I know you will like the few upcoming chapters. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, I will always appreciate that and as long as people are reading this story I will continue to write. Alright let's get to it...

Narrator-Izuku's team was now set, his team had four members, himself, Uraraka, Hatsume, and Tokoyami. It wasn't the best team but it would have to do. Izuku would be the one on top wearing a headband with the total number of points they were worth.

Midnight-Alright times up! Is everyone ready! This event will be thirty minutes long so make sure you survive.*walking onto her platform*

Deku-Everyone knows the plan right?*everyone nods*

Narrator- Hastume puts on the jet pack boots and the scouter. Tokoyami would provide defense with his quirk, Dark Shadow. Uraraka would provide mobility, with her quirk they can easily jump around.

~Other teams are also the same~


As soon as she said go, every team on the field rushed Izuku.

Bakugo-Deku! Those points are mine!

Deku-Hatsume activate the jetpack, Uraraka use your quirk on us makes us weightless. Tokoyami now!

Narrator-As dark shadow emerged from Tokoyami's stomach area, it used its two giant arms to jump into the air.

Bakugo-Running won't do you any good Deku!*jumping into the air.*

Narrator-Climbing higher using his explosions, soon he was face to face with Izuku. Bakugo extended out his arm to blast Izuku but was pushed back down when Izuku powered up.


Bakugo-What! Deku you b******!

Narrator-On his way down, lucky for him his teammates were able to catch him before he hit the ground. Izuku made sure his aura didn't knock down his teammates.

Hatsume-Incredible! His power is reading is off the charts!

Narrator-Her scouter beeped faster and faster as Izuku powered up. An error sign popped up on the scouter

Hatsume-What!*the scouter blew up* His power broke my baby

Narrator-The whole stadium stared at Izuku who was now glowing green in the air, but there was one person who was more impressed than everyone else, All Might.

All Might-(Incredible, his power is something I've never seen before. Young Midoriya, you may be on the level of the big three, if not stronger. Not to mention your transformation you displayed at the U.S.J.)

Uraraka-Izuku I won't be able to keep us floating forever we need to land soon, can't you use that barrier thing you did in the first event?

Narrator-Uraraka had been making them float for about 10 minutes now and he was getting nauseous.

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