New Challenge Approaches

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Narrator- It has now been 4 days since the attack at the USJ and the students were finally going back to class. Izuku used those 4 days to rest, but against his mother's request he secretly trained on the beach trying to transform into a super saiyan, but to no avail, his body was still too weak to handle the increase in power, so he turned to do basic muscle builder exercises. After four days his body was now fully healed, thanks to a little saiyan biology. However it was now time to go back to school, his training will have to wait. Now back in school, he made his way to his classroom alone not knowing how his classmates will respond after such a large incident.

Deku-( I hope everyone is doing alright after the USJ attack)

Narrator-To his surprise everyone seemed pretty normal, no one showed any signs of being traumatized. This made Izuku happy, but then he saw her, Uraraka sitting at her desk talking with Tsu. Looking at her made him think back to the accident, he couldn't bear it so he turned away and walked to his desk head down. After a few minutes the bell rang indicating the start of the class yet their teacher was not there.

Mineta-Mr. Aizawa is still in the hospital right?

Tsu-He should be, I wonder who is going to teach homeroom while he recovers, ribbit.

Deku-There is now way?!

Narrator-As the door to the classroom open, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared in surprise. There stood Aizawa covered in bandages from head to toe.

Mr.Aizawa-Morning class, I know it's been a long week but we can't let a minor setback stop up so let's just jump into it.

Tsu-Umm Mr. Aizawa shouldn't you still be at the hospital recovering?

Everyone-(Right he should be in bed!)

Mr.Aizawa-Time is a valuable thing I can't spend time in a hospital bed when I could be here teaching. I hope you are all ready because your battle is still not over. You have the UA sports festival coming up.

Narrator-The class erupted in cheers upon hearing this.

Mr.Aizawa-As many of you know this will be the perfect time to show off what you can do. Use this opportunity to show the world what you are made of. At the end of the festival you will receive offers to work with an agency, the better you do in the festival the more offers you will be receiving.

Momo-Mr. Aizawa, are you sure having the sports festival so soon after a villain attack is a good idea?

Mr.Aizawa-That was a concern but principal Nezu wants to show that we won't take anything sitting down. He wants to show everyone that if you mess with UA, you won't hold us back. Now, you have one week to prepare, so take this time to train your bodies and quirks. Most importantly, remember it's not all about power, use your minds as well* walks out of the classroom before the final bell rang so this let the students talk among themselves.*

Narrator-Izuku knew this was his chance to show the world that he can be a hero, but before he could say anything he felt something behind him. Izuku thought it was an enemy, turning around quickly he noticed that it was Uraraka. Her face so filled with determination,she was willing to fight.

Uraraka-Are you ready Deku! Cause I'm going to win!*punching the air.*

Mina-Wow you are really pumped up aren't you Uraraka. What's up you are usually the most chill girl here.

Uraraka-Oh nothing I just really like winning you know. Also back in the USJ it became apparent that I need to become stronger.

Deku-(The way she said that, she is feeling bad about something?)

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