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A/N: Alright here we go! Things are going to ramp up fast so keep that in mind, also this is a no-hold-barred chapter! Without further adieu let's just jump into it!

High above the Earth Dende stood on the edge of The Lookout, he stayed up all night looking down, "What is the presence I'm sensing? It's human but there is something else...but what?" Dende started to go back to the main building when his eyes widened.

As he turned around the halls were covered in a black mist, "I thought you'd come but not this soon..." The sounds of footsteps were heard through the mist getting closer and closer, "You aren't to run?" the person asked.

"As guardian of this planet, I can't run!" Dende declared, gripping his staff. "I'm not much of a fighter either, but even if I was. Fighting you would be pointless." "True, so hand over the Dragon Ball. I know you have at least one," the person said holding out his hand.

"Sorry but that isn't going to happen, I'd rather die than give you the Dragon Dall," Dende said glaring at this person. Dende heard an angry growl, "Fine! Then I'll just kill you and take it from your cold dead green hands!"

Tapping his staff on the floor twice, Dende created a force field around The Lookout, "I never said it was going to be easy now did I? Now you're stuck in here with me," Dende put his hand together in front of him, and began to charge up.

"HHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!" A golden light began to appear in his hands, his aura surrounded him as the light began to glow brighter. "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me!" The mystery person didn't move as the light from the attack shined, all Dende saw was a smirk coming from the mystery person's face.

Dende gritted his teeth, "LIGHT GRENADE!" thrusting his hands forward. The ball of energy escaped his hands and flew towards the mystery person. As it made contact with the person a massive explosion rocked The Lookout, the main building was almost destroyed. 

The ground outside looked like it was on fire, pieces of the main building had created craters all around The Lookout. But since Dende had put up the force field the blast was contained to just The Lookout. 

Dende was still standing, his breath heavy from the blast. "I-I did it, I finally acted like the guardian of this planet," Dende said smiling. Just then from the smoke, a laugh was heard, "Hahaha! That was some attack. Real good at picking up dust." 

Through the smoke, a purple aura was seen surrounding the mystery person. Dende's eyes went wide, "T-This is energy! H-How do you have des...." before Dende could say anything else the mystery person appeared in front of him and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Shhh don't say another word, I heard talking only makes it worse," Dende noticed his eyes, looking at him a pair of magenta eyes looked back at him. Dende had a look of horror as he knew what this was, "N-No this impossible! How does he have that!"

"I did want to destroy that damn Dragon Ball, but I've just realized I don't need them for what I'm going to do so instead I'll take something much more valuable," the mystery person said, just then Dende could feel his mind, no rather his memories, his knowledge being pulled from him.

"W-What did you just do!?" Dende said in a muffled voice. The mystery person smirked, "I've taken all that you know, guardian, this world's history past and present. Now I know everything. Now you have no use for me." 

A purple began to shine from Dende's mouth. His eyes widened as he knew what this meant. Dende's body began to crumble and slowly burn away and disappear like ash with a purple hue, he felt a burning sensation throughout his body. 

It started as his mouth and moved its way up and down, as Dende felt it, in his head, his eyes relaxed almost as if he accepted his fate. "I-Izuku will stop you..." he said before finally disappearing into thin air.

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