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He never saw it coming, not even Izuku or Himari were able to track the beam. They noticed it when it was too late, looking back a look of horror filled Izuku's face. The beam had pierced his heart and came out his back, falling to his knees.

All Might hovered his hand over the open wound in disbelief. "ALL MIGHT!" Izuku yelled out, but then dozens more beams fired at All Might piercing through his limbs and body. Izuku rushed forward, catching him before he hit the floor.

Shigaraki smiled as he watched the former number-one hero coughing out blood, "My aim has never been better." Izuku tried to put pressure on the biggest wound but it was pointless, there were too many and the first beam destroyed his heart.

"I-Izuku my boy...It's alright..." All Might said weakly as blood poured down the chest wound. "Not now All Might, save your breath. We are going to get you help," Izuku held him in his arms as he pulled out a Senzu bean. 

Izuku goes to feed him the bean but All Might holds his hand back, "Don't use it on an old man, like me. Listen to me boy, it's going to be you know why?" All Might smiled. " are here..." 

Tears ran down Izuku's face, All Might shut his eyes for the last time, "A-All Might? All Might..." Izuku shook him a bit but he got no response.  "Eri! Come here use your Quirk on All Might!" he yelled out. 

Eri rushed over and put her hands on All Might's chest, activating her quirk but as her horn grew and her hands glowed she could feel his breathing stop. Her eyes widened as she turned to her dad, "I-I need more time, dad...Time he doesn't have..." 

"N-No, he can't be...," he said, turning to her. Eri looked away with tears running down her face, "N-No, please god,!" Blood stained his hands as he pulled All Might close. Ochako came over with tears in her eyes and placed her hand on Izuku's shoulder. "D-Deku..." 

Izuku quietly put All Might's head on the floor, standing up he looked at All Might's body. "Ochako...get out of here...I don't want you or Isamu to see what I'm about to do to Shigaraki..." Ochako looked at Izuku, his eyes were wide and his stare was cold. "I-Izuku?" 

"Go! Get everyone out of here!" he said yelling at everyone. "Himari! Protect them, I'm counting on you." Izuku turned towards Shigaraki. His powerful white aura turned green as he began to power up straight to his blue form. 

He stopped a few feet away from Shigaraki and growled out, "You are going to pay for what you did." "Oh? Looks like someone grew more cocky these last few years" Shiagaraki motioned to Izuku. "Well come on, I don't got all day" With his hands still stained with blood Izuku clenched his fists, and the ground around him began to crack as his anger began to rise.


His blue aura exploded outward with such force that the buildings behind him began to crack and break. Izuku's hair and eyes turned blue as he yelled powering up. His friends looked at him in awe, "Oh god.. he's pissed!" Himari said shielding herself from Izuku's fierce aura. 

"I-I've never seen him like this! His power just keeps rising, but will it be enough to take down this guy?" Izuku was ready, he was going to beat Shigaraki to the "I'm going to KILL YOU!" he yelled out, flying towards Shigaraki, his fist pulled back as he got closer. 

Shigaraki smiled as he watched him get closer. Throwing a punch, the impact was so hard that the ground beneath them caved in, creating a giant crater. Knocking his friends down, they finally got smart and began to evacuate the area. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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