Time Part 1

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A/N-Alright! Final chapter! Stay tuned to find out if I will continue this story. However I would like to thank everyone who has followed and voted on my story. Thank you all. 37 Chapters in and this is the most I've ever written for this story so please enjoy. Without further ado let's just jump into it! And look out for the sequel.

Narrator-It has now been 1 year since Izuku left and it was about time Himari left as well.

Uraraka-Are you sure about leaving?*as they stood outside next to the ship Himari arrived in*

Himari-Yeah, now that my ship is repaired I don't see a reason to stay. Besides, Vent's men are still out there on other worlds and I think I owe it to my parents to stop them.*wearing her saiyan armor*

Uraraka-I see, well I wish you best of luck, make sure to come back and visit Earth some time. Deku might be back by then.

Himari-I will, and hey maybe I'll find him out there.*taking Uraraka's hand and shaking it*

Eri-You leaving too Himari?

Himari-Yeah I am, I got business to do in space.*patting Eri's head*

Eri-Then here.*giving the gemstone she had given her long ago*

Himari-No you keep it, that way you can remember me.


Narrator-Himari turned around and was about to climb into her ship when she heard a voice.

???-Going to leave without saying goodbye?

Narrator-Himari turned around to see Bakugo walking towards her.

Himari-I didn't think you were the type of guy to get sentimental.

Bakugo-I'm not!*blushing slightly*L-Listen I just want you...

Himari-I swear if you're going to give me a letter proposal like Midoriya did I'm going to punch you in the stomach.*with her arms crossed*

Bakugo-I wasn't going to do that! Idiot!*laughed*

Himari-Yeah I know...

Narrator-Himari walked towards Bakugo and pulled him in by the shirt, kissing him on the lips. After a few seconds they pulled away from each other.

Bakugo-See you soon?

Himari-You just might Bakugo, you just might.

Narrator-And with that Bakugo, Uraraka, and Eri watched as she took off into the sky.

Uraraka-Since when did you two get so close?

Bakugo-S-Shut up!*walking away embarrassed*

Uraraka-Awww come on tell me!*chasing after him*


Uraraka-Oh come on, just tell me.

2 years since Izuku left~

Narrator-This was Class 1A's last year, after this they would be full fledged heroes if they passed the final.

Aizawa-Alright everyone, graduation is in a few weeks. Now I know you're all excited but trust me the final exam will not be easy so please prepare yourselves.

Narrator-Just then the bell rang signaling the end of the class.

Aizawa-Well there you go, please go over the packet I gave you.

Narrator-Everyone in class let out the biggest sigh.

Mina-Man this is tough!*slumping on her desk*

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