Meeting an Old Friend

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Narrator-School was now back in session, so that meant it was now time to see how many interns requests everyone got. Izuku and Uraraka walked to class together, when they walked into the class everyone stopped and stared at them.

Uraraka-Deku, why is everyone looking at us?

Deku-I don't know, wait do you think they found out about us? Did you tell anyone?

Uraraka-N-no not yet. I didn't even tell my parents yet.

Narrator-Izuku was just about to pull his notebook out of his backpack when Iida walked up to his desk.

Iida-Midoriya, a word please.

Deku-Yeah what's up?"

Iida-I would like to be the first to congratulate you and your new relationship with Uraraka. But I must warn you, please do not let that distract you from your duties as class representative.

Deku-Umm Iida who told you that me and Uraraka were dating?

Iida-Oh I'm sorry I was given wrong information, if so I apologize!.

Deku-N-no that's not it, we are but who told you? We haven't told anyone yet, how did you find out?

Iida-Oh that's simple I heard it from Mina

Narrator-Iida said pointing at Mina, who was laughing.

Deku-Oh that makes sense...wait no it doesn't! How did she find out! *getting up from his seat* Umm Mina.

Mina-Yes Midori?*trying not to laugh*

Deku-How did you know me and Uraraka started dating?

Mina-Oh that we saw the both of you at the mall and we decided to follow you two around and well we saw you two kissing on the beach. Very romantic I might add, good work Midori.

Deku-(I knew I felt her Ki yesterday) Uncool Mina,uncool.

Narrator-Izuku sighed knowing that there was nothing else he could do. When he turned to look at Uraraka, he saw her frozen in place while Tsu was talking to her.

Deku-(Well it seems that our little secret didn't last that long.)

Mr.Aizawa-Alright everyone take your seats. I have a couple of announcements so listen up. First let's talk about internships, those of you who made it farther in the sports festival have received more offers, see. *pointing at the screen behind him*

Narrator-The top three were as follows, Izuku had received 8,732 offers, Todoroki had received 5,943 offers, and Bakugo had received 2,538 offers. As the list went on some students received offers and others didn't.

Mr.Aizawa-As you can see the top 3 received the most offers. However those who didn't get offers you will still have the opportunity to work under a pro hero. Look over your offers and decide who you want to intern with, you have until Wednesday to decide. But before you do any of that you need to choose hero names.

Mina-Awesome I get to choose my own hero name!

Mr.Aizawa-Quiet! Now another teacher will be going over your hero names. Remember the name you chose now could be the one you stay with so...

Midnight-So makes sure it's a name you wouldn't mind being called for the rest of your career.

Narrator-The boys went wide eyed as she walked in, she was wearing her hero costume which left very little to the imagination. Izuku saw her walking in but felt someone staring him down from behind him, he didn't need to turn around to find out who that was, he quickly looked down at this notebook.

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