Rescue Mission Start

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A/N-Alright everyone here we go again! Hope you all enjoy, oh and thank you all for 1,037 viewers I can't thank you enough!

Narrator-A week had gone by since Izuku's funeral and there was little to go on to find Bakugo, the police and pro heroes were running around trying to find him. They already lost one student, they wouldn't lose another. Right now the pro heroes and Nanomasa were having a meeting to discuss what to do.

Midnight-Any clues yet?

Noamosa-None, all the leads we follow are dead ends.*going over a file*We need to find Bakugo. It's been 2 weeks.

Aizawa-You think we don't know that. We are doing everything we can but they are covering their tracks.*more annoyed than anything*(I already lost one student, I won't lose another)

Naomasa-All we need to do is have them slip up at least once and we can find them in a heartbeat.*looking at the heroes,almost on queue an officer burst through the door*

Officer-Sir! Sir!

Naomasa-What is it?

Officer-We...we have reports saying people have heard explosiosns coming from a abandened bar. There is also reports this area being a hotspot for villains"

All Might-It's him! It has to be, Bakugo must be fighting back against the villains.

Naomasa-Where were these reports coming from?

Officer-Sir, in a city called Gyton.

Naomasa-Leave the report here, thank you for the information*the officer saluted as Naomasa went over the report*It seems we may have caught a break, prepare an assault and rescue team. We are going after both Bakugo and the League of Villains.

With Bakugo 1 week ago~

Narrator-Bakugo slowly began to wake up, his eyes burned from the sudden light. Looking around he noticed he was cuffed to the chair but not with ordinary cuffs. These cuffs were designed to suppress quirks.

Bakugo-What the.*tried to break free but with little success.then he tried to use his quirk, nothing*(I can't use my quirk? What's going on?)

Narrator-Just then the door to the small room opened and Kurogiri walked in.

Kurogiri-Oh it seems you are finally awake Bakugo, I feared you would never regain consciousness . We have much to discuss.

Bakugo-Screw you! I have nothing to say to villain b******s like you!*as he tried to break free*

Kurogiri-Now,now we are only here to talk, you don't want to end up like your classmate now do you?*Bakugo raised an eyebrow*

Bakugo-What do you mean? I swear if you b******s did anything to them, I'll kill you all!

Bakugo-His blood boiled if it wasn't for the restraints Bakugo would have torn his head off.

Kurogiri-Oh we did do anything, it was one of our partners. He had a personal vendetta against one of your classmates and well let's just say it didn't end well for both of them.

Narrator-If only Bakugo could see his face, he would see a giant smile on Kurogiri's face.He began to push the chair into the other room, there he found Shigaraki sitting down at the bar and a monitor with the words AFO across the screen.

AFO-Ahh Katsuki Bakugo, welcome to the League of Villains hideout.

Bakugo-*looked around to find a way out*What do you guys want!

AFO-We are only here to offer you an opportunity.

Shigaraki-We want you to willingly join the league of villains. We can offer you great power if you do.

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