Another Izuku?

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Xeno Izuku goes for a killing blow with his sword. Mira was barely able to dodge out of the way but Izuku starts to channel energy in his hands. He gets behind Mira, generating a circular flow of energy to surround him.

It restraints Mira allowing Xeno to stab Mira square in the chest. Izuku senses something and looks back to see a spear flying towards his head about a few centimeters away. He barely dodges the spear but releases Mira.

He gathers energy that swirls around him before unleashing an explosion of dark energy. The explosion blasts both Izukus away. Xeno lands in a building while Izuku crashes into a mountain.

Mira: We will meet again Izuku Midoriya, and for your sake, I hope you are ready.

Towa opened a portal and walked through it with Mira following. Xeno Izuku powered down, reverting down to his base form.

Xeno Izuku: He got away.

He then turned to this world's Izuku who was still in his god form as he flies back to the city.

Xeno Izuku: This power...

Himari: He's gone...I can't sense his energy anymore.

Himari & Izuku powered down returning to their base forms.

Izuku: You okay Ochako?

Ochako: Yeah I'm alright just a beat up.

That's when Xeno Izuku landed next to Izuku, he walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar.

Xeno Izuku: You idiot! If you had that kind of power why didn't you use it to kill Mira or at the very least Towa!?

Izuku slapped away Xeno's wrist and points at him.

Izuku: Cause I didn't know who I was dealing with, I had to feel out the situation. I could've handled it.

Xeno Izuku: Oh it that right? Well, look what happened to her!

He motioned to Uraraka who was beaten up.

Xeno Izuku: You're feeling out of the situation & overconfidence almost caused her to die!

Ochako: Alright enough! How do you expect him to react, an unknown enemy comes and attacks him out of nowhere. He wasn't ready to face them, I'm sure if Deku was prepared he could have taken them out. Besides I'm fine, sure a bit shaken up.

Xeno Izuku: Fine. There are some things I need to tell you all.

Izuku: Let's go to UA, we can talk there and we can get Ochako's injuries healed.

They all nodded, taking off into the sky. Ochako couldn't shake the feeling that this Xeno Izuku was hiding something. As they landed the group saw Eri, Aizawa, Recovery Girl, and All Might standing at the gate. As soon as they landed Eri ran towards her parents hugging them tight.

Eri: Thank goodness you're both safe.

Recovery Girl: Ochako come let me heal your injuries.

Xeno Izuku: All Might...

All Might: Wait, another Izuku! Oh no, not another clone!

Izuku: No, not another clone. This is me...from another universe or from another timeline. I don't know.

Aizawa: Another universe? Timeline? What...

Xeno Izuku: It's a long story so if you don't mind I'd like to share it.

All Might: Very well, let's go inside.

Once inside Ochako was taken to get her injuries healed up, and quickly joined everyone else in the conference room.

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