Rivalry Battle

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A/N-Again I would like to thank everyone who reads my story. I really appreciate it!


Narrator-But no one moved, everyone in the stadium was confused until Bakugo spoke

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Narrator-But no one moved, everyone in the stadium was confused until Bakugo spoke.

Bakugo-Hey Deku aren't you going to transform?*looking like he was going to explode any moment*

Deku-No, I don't think I'll need it to beat you.*smirking*

Bakugo-What did say , you b*****!

Narrator-Bakugo ran towards Izuku ready to blast him away.


Narrator-Bakugo's explosion rippled through the stadium kicking up dust and debris where Izuku was standing, everyone was stunned when they noticed Izuku did not move.

Deku-Is that all you got Kacchan?

Narrator-Izuku's voice was heard from within the dust. As everything began to clear up, they saw Izuku unscratched from the explosion, with a green force field around him.

Bakugo-You b******! This trick again, why don't you take down the shield and fight me!

Deku-I have a better idea, I'll take down the force field*dropping his force field*Tell you what I'll give you a free shot but if you waste it...

Narrator-Izuku was cut off by Bakugo flying towards him raising his hands to Izuku and firing off an explosion at point blank range.

Narrator-Smoke from the explosion covered both Izuku and Bakugo, he had done it. He just beat Izuku, Bakugo smiled.

Bakugo-You shouldn't have given me that free shot.

Narrator-To Bakugo's surprise an all but familiar voice came from the smoke, Deku-...You're going to regret it.

Narrator-The force of the explosion was enough to leave burn marks on Izuku's uniform. Except for some small cuts on his face and the blood dripping, he was fine. Wiping the blood off him, he rushed Bakugo, punching him hard in the stomach.

Bakugo-Huuuurgh, you b-b******!*grabbing his stomach*I'll get you for this as*****!

Deku-I'm the as*****? Ha! That's rich coming from you. For years you made my life a living hell! And you have the guts to call me an as*****! Screw You!

Narrator-Izuku ran at Bakugo kicking him hard in the stomach,Bakugo hunched over in pain spitting out blood, Izuku followed up with a hard uppercut which sent him flying towards the edge of the arena. Bakugo managed to regain his composure mid air, and with the help of his explosions he managed to stay inbounds.

Bakugo-D-d*** it, I guess I have no choice now. *pulling out the fruit from his pocket*

 *pulling out the fruit from his pocket*

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