A Day to Remember

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A/N-Thank you everyone once again for reading my story! Love you all!

Narrator-Izuku was nervous, he spent all of Saturday trying to pick out what to wear. After a messy room and a little help from his mother Izuku chose to wear a green shirt with a black jacket and blue jeans. A simple look but overall he looked good. It was now Sunday, the fateful day.

Deku-A-Alright Izuku get it together, you fought against villains and this is what's got you nervous.

Narrator-Uraraka had sent her address and he was on his way there. Before leaving, Izuku was stopped by his mother at the door.

Inko-Izuku hold up before you go, I want to ask you something.

Deku-Yeah sure mom what's up?*turning towards his mother*

Inko-Well it seems since Recovery Girl found out about who you really are and I was thinking maybe it's time to tell other people before they find out?

Narrator-Yes he'd thought about telling people but was afraid of what they would say.

Deku-I have actually given it some thought mom and yeah I do think I should tell people but I don't know how they will react when I tell them.

Inko-you have to tell people you trust sweetie. Take for example that Uraraka girl, do you trust her?*walking up to Izuku*


Inko-Then maybe you should start by telling her. If she can accept you for what you really are then that means others can too.*looking him dead in the eyes*Don't make the same mistake I made with your father. I never told anyone about him and I've regretted it since.

Deku-*sigh*Alright mom I'll tell her.

Inko-Good now off you go and remember no funny business okay.

Deku-Yeah I know mom, love you.*walking out the door*

Narrator-Izuku walked down the street, Uraraka's apartment was a few blocks away so he had time to think about how he was planning on telling Uraraka, Deku-How should I tell her? Hey Uraraka I'm half human! No, that sounds dumb. This is going to be harder than I thought. *walking up the stairs to Uraraka's apartment*

Narrator-He walked past a couple of units, until he stopped at Uraraka's apartment.

Deku-(Alright Izuku it's now or never.)

Narrator-He knocked on the door, he heard someone approach the door, his heart started to beat faster as the doorknob turned. To his surprise it wasn't Uraraka who answered the door but rather a woman?

Mrs.Uraraka-Yes, how can I help you?

Deku-(Wow she looks like Uraraka just with longer hair, must be her sister or something) Oh i'm sorry I'm looking for Ochako Uraraka, I thought she would be here. Sorry to bother you*began to go turn but was stopped when the woman spoke.*

Mrs.Uraraka-No wait, please come inside Uraraka is actually getting ready.

Narrator-She invited him in, but Izuku was still a little skeptical but sensed no hostility so he went inside.

Mrs.Uraraka-Please have a seat on the couch, I'll bring you some tea

Deku-Oh thank you very much. *takes a sip*Wow this is good. I'm sorry for asking but as you Uraraka's sister?*taking another sip of tea*

Mrs.Uraraka-Oh my, do I look that young and yes I am. It's nice to meet you umm sorry I never got your name.*taking a sip of her own tea*

Deku-Oh right, it's nice to meet you too, my name is Izuku Midoriya, wow Uraraka didn't mention she had a sister I wonder why?

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