Vale Bellator

433 11 33

A/N-Thank you all for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it!

Izuku-*looks up at E23*(Damn it if we fight now everyone will be in danger. What should I do!?)

Narrator-Izuku began to play every possible scenario in his head, should he fight him head on? Wait for backup? Or just run?

Vlad King-Enough of this.

Narrator-Vlad jumped into the air and activated his quirk. His quirk allowed him to harden his own blood. Touching E23 he encased him in a blood shell.

Vlad King-That should hold him.*landing on the ground*

Narrator-E23 simply looked at the hardened blood.

E23-Really? Is this all you pros have to offer, such a disappointment.*flexes his body and breaks out the shell with ease*

Vlad King-What! He broke out so easily, just how strong is he?

Narrator-The others didn't notice but Aizawa had activated his quirk but it had no effect. Mr.Aizawa-(If my quirk doesn't work on him then his power comes from something else.)

E23-So what do you say Izuku Midoriya, will you fight me? Or do I have to hurt people to make you fight me?*looks towards the building where everyone was in and raised his hand*

Izuku-No! Don't you dare hurt them!*transformed*You want a fight I'll give you it!*flew up to meet E23*Not here, let's go far away from here.

E23-Very well.

Narrator-E23 took off his mask and cape revealing to the hero's bellow who he was.

A/N-He's kinda wearing Goku's Black gettup.

Mr.Aizawa-Impossible! He looks just like Midoriya!*Aizawa stood in shock, as he saw them take off*Midoriya! Wait!

Izuku-It's alright Mr. Aizawa, I'll be right back. Get everyone on the buses and get out of here, I'll buy you some time.*taking off after E23*

Mr.Aizawa-D*** it! Vlad got the buses ready, we can't waste the time he bought us.*turns to run into the building*(He doesn't stand a chance! He needs back up.)Alright everyone listen up.

Narrator-Everyone turned their attention to Aizawa.

Mr.Aizawa-Another villain has shown up, one strong enough to take down Midoriya. It looks like he is only interested in Midoriya so he is buying us some time to get out of here, we are going to bring the buses here then we are leaving.

Narrator-All the students began to mutter.

Uraraka-(It has to be the villain from the Hosu incident, Deku please be careful.)

Mr.Aizawa-He said he would come back so we have to believe in him.

With Izuku and E23~

E23-Here is far enough.

Narrator-E23 stopped in mid air, Izuku stopped just meters away from him.

Izuku-Tell me before we start, why do you hate me?

E23-Tell you what. Defeat me and I'll tell you everything you want to know.

Izuku-*readying himself*Fine, ready?*E23 nodded*HAAAAAA!

Narrator-With his aura flaring out Izuku made the first move.Rushing in he fired Ki blasts at E23, which he swatted away with ease. Now in close range Izuku went for a punch to the face only to have E23 dodge and counter with a heavy hit to the ribs.

E23-You have to try harder than that. Come on, show me what you got, I don't want this to be a repeat of Hosu.

Izuku-*gritted his teeth*Kaio-Ken!

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