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Narrator-The next couple of days were pretty boring. They went over hero rules and regulations, safety laws, and hero registration law. As much as Deku thought these topics were boring he knew that they were important.Deku was tired after all he didn't get enough sleep last night.

Deku-(I have a bad feeling about today)

Narrator-this thought rang inside his mind all the way to school. As he walked he couldn't help but feel someone was watching him.

Deku-There is someone or something that is following me. A villain? There you are)

Narrator-He looked at the direction on a tall building. On the roof there was someone wearing an all black hoodie and trench coat. Deku had to know who this was, without giving it a second thought he disappeared from the line of sight of the mystery person.

???-What! Where did he go!' Thought the mystery person.


Narrator-This caused the mystery person to turn around in shock as in front of him stood Izuku.

???-(He's fast, can't say im surprised though)

Deku-I don't know what your deal is but you better back off

Narrator-Making sure that their face was covered, they jumped from roof to roof making their escape.

???-(Not now, soon I will show myself to you Izuku. When that day comes you'd best be prepared, protect those you care about because I'm the one you need to fear the most)

Narrator-Deku caught a quick glimpse at the mystery person's eyes.

Deku-Those eyes are blood red, scary stuff*looking down at his watch he noticed the time.* "Oh no, I'm going to be late at this rate I need to pick it up the pace!*starting to run.

Narrator-Jumping off the building he landed and started to run as fast as he could, picking up dust as he ran past.

Deku-(Just who was that? And why did his Ki feel so dark, but yet so familiar and those eyes so filled with hate. I will have to be careful these coming days, I don't know what he is planning. I have to keep everyone safe, no matter what)

Narrator- Deku had some trouble getting into the school, the press had gotten wind of All Might's acceptance as a teacher at UA and they wanted an interview. However, only teachers and students with a valid ID can enter the school, any who didn't would be met by a giant metal wall.Now in school everything was normal, class went on without any problems. That is until Aizawa walked into the room.Today Aizawa had an announcement to make,

Mr.Aizawa-Today you will be picking your class representatives

Everyone-I want to be it!

Mr.Aizawa-(It's too early for this)*activating his quirk which quickly made the class shut up.* I can't care how you do it just choose someone by the time class ends. I suggest you leave it to a vote*sliding into his sleeping bag.*

Iida-Alright everyone I'm going to pass out slips of paper please write down your vote and then pass it forward

Narrator-After collecting Momo tallied up the votes, the results Izuku Midoriya 5 points, Momo with 3, and Iida with 2.

Bakugo-Who the hell voted for Deku!

Uraraka-(I should probably keep my vote to myself)*whistling*

Deku-(Well it looks like i'm the class president, somehow. I promise you that I'll protect everyone no matter what)

Mr.Aizawa-Well there, Midoriya is class representative and Yaoyorozu is vice representative*waking up from his nap. Just then the bell rang, it was lunch*

Narrator-While walking to the cafeteria, Deku decided to have lunch with Iida and Uraraka, they got their food and sat down on an empty table, with Deku having the biggest meal.

Iida-So Midoriya, why do you want to become a hero?

Deku-Well you see Iida it's cause up until recently I was treated as a quirkless person, yes I had a quirk but it was "useless" until my master taught me how to use it properly. I want to prove to everyone that I can become a hero

Iida-I-I'm sorry you had to go through that Midoriya*regretting what he asked.*

Deku-Hey forget about it. I'm alright now, anyway, why do you want to become a hero Uraraka?

Uraraka-Well...I'm in it for the money*scratching the back of her head in embarrassment.*

Deku and Iida-For the money!?

Uraraka-D-don't get me wrong there is a reason parents run a construction company and well it's not doing that well right now and I want to repay them for all they have done for me.

Deku-Well that changes everything Uraraka, it's a great reason to become a hero!

Narrator-Deku went back to eating but while he was enjoying his food he suddenly felt an evil presence. He looked around in a panic thinking it was an attack by the mystery person. Shortly after an alarm began to sound which sent all the students running towards the exit. All three got caught up in the stampede as they were being pushed and smushed; he found out what the cause of the alarm was.

Deku-It's the press guys!*Seeing Uraraka he got an idea* Uraraka make me weightless!*extending out an arm.*

Narrator-She knew he had a plan so she made him weightless. Floating above the stampede of students he knew he had to make them stop and listen. 

Deku-HAAAAAAA!*charging up. As his aura began to expand he held out his hand, and let out a blast that shot past the exit. Barely missing the students running towards the exit, this caught the attention of everyone.*Guys! It's only the press. relax and let's go back and enjoy the rest of our lunch.

Narrator-The other students noticed the press rushing inside the school and decided to return to finish their lunch.

Deku-Uraraka, you can release your quirk now*upside down due to the lack of gravity.*

Narrator-Uraraka laughed but did eventually place the tips of her hands together.


Narrator-Lunch was now over and after going to other classes it was now time for homeroom once again.

Mr.Aizawa-Alright everyone today you will be having training exercise off campus so get your suits and head to the bus

Narrator-The whole class cheered, but little did they know that their biggest challenge yet was quickly approaching.

~Unknown Location~

???-Are we ready?

???-Yes, we are just getting the last of the minions ready. But everything should be ready by this afternoon

???-Perfect, in a few hours the whole world will know to live in a world without their precious symbol of peace

???-It's unfortunate that we lost the test subject a while ago, it would have been of great use to us

???-Yes, but we must trust sensi to get it back, now let's focus on the task ahead. Let's go.








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