Final Fight

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A/N-Alright another chapter done! Thank you for reading my story so let's just jump into it!

Narrator-Two minutes that's all they needed, but they knew in those two minutes Vent could kill them all.

Izuku-Guys be careful.

Narrator-The three nodded and flew towards Vent.

Vent-Bring it! I'll fight you all then I'll kill you saiyan.

Narrator-Himari was the first to reach Vent, blocking her initial attack. From behind her Uraraka and Bakugo appeared splitting up and attacked from both sides, kicking Vent causing him to fly back.

Vent-I see you two have trained to use your Ki, you are no ordinary humans.*smiles*

Uraraka-That's not the only thing we can do.

Narrator-Uraraka activated her quirk on giant boulders,making them float beside her. Using her Ki she flung the rocks at Vent at a high rate of speed and at the very last second she deactivated her quirk allowing the full weight of them to crash into Vent. This buried Vent in a small mountain of boulders.

Uraraka-Bakugo! Himari! Do it now!

Bakugo-Not a bad plan you have here round face.*appearing above the mountain of boulders*Howitzer Impact!

*appearing above the mountain of boulders*Howitzer Impact!

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Himari-Not bad at all, Planetary Devastation!

Narrator-Both attacks bombarded Vent engulfing him completely in lime green and red fire ball

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Narrator-Both attacks bombarded Vent engulfing him completely in lime green and red fire ball.Landing back with Uraraka, both of them looked at each other and smiled.

Uraraka-Nice teamwork guys.

Vent-Not quite good enough.

Narrator-A voice was heard from within the fireball.


Narrator-A ruby colored aura erupted from the flames pushing the blast away.

Vent-Not too bad but the only one doing any real damage is the female saiyan. So let's take care of her first.

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