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A/N-Thank you all for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it!

Narrator-The next morning the whole class were told to stay at the dorms, most of their stuff had already been moved in but still had stuff missing. As they were assigned their rooms, sadness came over them when they called Izuku's name. They didn't know if he was still alive or not. Uraraka had still not woken up from when Izuku's neck chopped her, she was taken into her assigned room. Everyone was instructed to get some rest but who could sleep after the night's events, they still held out hope that Izuku was still alive. It was now early morning and everyone was down stairs in the living room waiting for news on Izuku. Just then All Might walked into the dorms with Izuku nowhere in sight.

Iida-Sir, where is Midoriya?

All Might-I'm sorry everyone I arrived too late to help him, Izuku Midoriya is...dead.*looks of disbelief and gasps were heard*He died taking down the villain and in turn saving us all.

Todoroki-N-No Midoriya...

Narrator-Todoroki clenched his fist, in a fit of rage he punched the wall making a whole in it. As he pulled back his hand the blood began to drip down. All Might left to check on Eri, she was still with Recovery Girl.


Izuku-Hey,Uraraka let's stay together,alright.

Uraraka-Of course.

Izuku-I just want to say I love you.

Uraraka-Same here.

Narrator-As both went in to kiss a bright light suddenly flashed blinding Uraraka. Opening her eyes she was no longer in the dorms, instead she found herself surrounded by a city in ruins. Fires raged in every building, houses destroyed, and debri covered the streets.

Uraraka-W-what's going on?!

Narrator-Uraraka frantically looked around for anyone. As she ran down the street she saw something rather than someone laying facedown on the street.

As she approached the person she noticed the amount of blood on the floor next to them.

Uraraka-Hey can you hear me, I'm here to help.*flipping the person over to check on them*

Narrator-To her horror she saw the face of Izuku, his face white as snow and the color in his eyes gone.

Uraraka-D-Deku?*trys feel for a pulse, nothing,starts CPR*N-No please! Please don't leave me! Deku! Why? Why did this happen?

Narrator-She asked herself as tears ran down her face.

???-It's because you didn't care enough.

Narrator-A demonic voice was heard coming from every direction.

???-You let him leave

Uraraka-No you're wrong! I tried to stop him!

???-You didn't try hard enough! If you were good enough maybe Izuku would still be alive.

Uraraka-*fell to her knees*S-Stop it.

???-Deep down you know it's true, you're just a kid pretending to be a hero!

Uraraka-S-Stop it!*covering her ears*

???-His blood is on your hands!

Uraraka-Stop it!

???-It's all your fault!"


Narrator-She said screaming at the heavens above, only to see the face of a dragon, which began to fall towards her ready to devour her. Uraraka's eyes snapped open, her face covered in sweat.

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