29.) Say Yes!

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"Harry, my movie is already done and it would be great if you go to the movie premiere." I suggested, while taking a bite on my tacos.

He looked at me and smiled, "Really? Congratulations! Of course, I'll go. When will it be?"

I thought for a second and remembered, "This Wednesday."

He stopped all of his movements in two seconds and looked at me, "Wednesday?"

I made an angreeing noise while nodded, "Why? Is there a problem?"

He immediately shook his head and gave me a small smile, "No nothing. Its just... I can't in Wednesday."

I looked at him, totally surprised. He need to be there. Its my movie. I need him there. "What? Why?"

Harry sighed and looked at me apologetically, "I'm really sorry Y/N but me and the boys will start shooting the On The Road Again movie and I can't. I want to go but I can't."

"But Harry! No! You need to be there!" I demanded.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll make it to you next time, I promise." His eyes was holding sorrow.

I stared at him for a few seconds and spoke, "I forgive you but I'm still mad at you."

"I'm sorry."


Its Wednesday and Harry left earlier than usual. When I woke up, the other side of the bed is already empty and I'm still sad and disappointed that he can't go.

Its my first movie, and I want to see him at least on the front row, waving and smiling at me. But I guess he can't do that.

I'm wearing a silk white dress with my back bare. Lou was the one who put my makeup on and it was so beautiful, she also help me on my hair.

I can already see many flashes outside the car. Its my turn to go out so I did.

I immediately smiled at the many cameras. They were all asking questions but my management said, no need to answer them. I walked on the red carpet and smiled, I did that until my cheeks already hurts.

I saw Stacey my management, "Hey Y/N, the movie will start soon. We need you guys inside." I nodded, still smiling.

She called the other characters then we all came inside.


The movie finished and the lights turned on. Stacey said I need to go the stage and say my speech. I smiled and nodded.

I walked slowly up the stage until I was in the middle, holding the microphone.

"Good day everyone, thank you for coming for my movie premiere. Its a great pleasure to see you all here and watched my movie. I hope you loved it. I will thank my family and fans for supporting me everyday, for my boyfriend who's always their for me. Thank you very-" I stopped myself from talking because the lights dimmed again.

What the- Everyone started mumbling about why and how it happened.

Its really dark, you can't see anything. A few seconds later, the light slowly turned on and everyone is quiet. They were all looking at me, as in ALL.

"Um, again I will thank everyone-"

"Ehem, ehem." A very fake cough was heard around the whole cinema.

I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed quietly. What the hell is happening?

Somone entered the stage from backstage and I turned my head, I saw Harry. Wearing a beautiful tuxedo. It fit his body perfectly, showing his muscles.

I was surprised, shocked actually. Now, what is he doing here?

He walked to me until we were only a foot apart. He was grinning widely, while looking at me.

I held the microphone away from my mouth and whispered-yelled quietly on him. "What are you doing here?"

Since the whole room is quiet, you can hear a pin being thrown on the ground and I'm pretty sure they heard me.

Harry gave me his puppy dog face- he pouted and widened his eyes- "You don't want me to be here?" Some of the crowd aww'ed at his face. And me of coursek mentally aww'ed in my brain.

"I-uh... I-I." I can't for a word right now.

Suddenly Harry grinned again, those dimples are showing again. "Kidding baby." He was also holding a microphone and finally answered my question, "I'm here to congratulate you, what else?"

"Answer me seriously Harry and why are we even talking on the stage? We can talk about this later, because right now I'm having a speech so you can go now, I'll talk to you late-"

"Shhh." He put his finger on my mouth, shutting me up. "You talk to much Y/N. Just hear me out, okay? Don't cut me off."

I rolled my eyes, nodding. "Go on."

"Y/N, my dear Y/N. I'm here to say sorry because I lied to you not going in here when it isn't true because I'm here." I saw him flicked his finger and the lights turned off again. Two seconds later it opened but my eyes is still staring at him. He leaned in and said to my ear, "and it would be great if you look at the crowd."

I turned my head at the whole cinema. I can't believe it.

My tears slowly came as covered my mouth with my hands. The whole crowd was holding papers until they all made a 'Will You Marry Me?' sign.

"Y/N." My head turned again to Harry, he was on his knee and his hands was holding a black box. "I was waiting for this moment baby. This is for being the best girlfriend in the whole wide world. Always there for me from the bad to good things. You were always their if I need you. You were the one who always give me long patience, the one who took care for me and love me, and the one I wanted to call my wife."

I sobbed hard while looking at him, my tears are non-stop running down my face.

He opened the box and I saw a gold diamond ring. "Y/F/N, will you do the honor of being Ms. Styles and marry me?"

I gasped loudly again and looked at the crowd. He put so much effort in this. My eyes landed on him again and nodded, "Yes."

"Yes?" He asked, not believing me.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I repeatedly and hugged him tightly. The whole crowd cheered and congratulate Harry.

He hugged me back and pulled away. He held the ring and slowly put it on my ring finger. "Now, I will promise one thing."

"What?" My voice is a bit hoarse from all the crying.

"I promise to always clean the bed whenever I'm last." He whispered in my ear.

I laughed and hugged him again, "Thank you for all this."

"I love you Y/N. Don't you every forget that." He said with more seriousness on his voice.

I pressed my forehead againts him, "I love you Harold Edward Styles."

A/N: this is a cute imagine! I love it! I finished typing this at 9:40 p.m. and I still have school tomorrow so I will go to sleep now. Comment if you like it or not. If you want an imagine or not.

This is only my note. Thanks!

~Allaine <3

Harry Styles Imagines [Book 1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora