67.) Drunk Cupcake

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I was reading a book on the sofa, waiting for Harry. Its already 8 o'clock and I expected him to be here before 7 and its already 8. Where is he?

I adjusted my nerd glasses before I heard a knock on the door. I put my book down and stood up, leaving my comfortable place.

I opened the door to see Harry, leaning on the door frame looking at me with a silly and tired smile. He smell like alcohol. The fedora was placed on the half of his head making him extremely cute.

"Hi." He grinned and blinked repeatedly. He's probably dizzy but he can caught his balance somehow.

I raised my eyebrow at him and tried not to smile. "You're drunk."

He removed his arm on the door frame and leaned slightly forward, "I'm not." He whispered before closing his eyes, ready to plant his face on the floor but I managed to catch him.

"Harry, you're heavy." I proclaimed, trying to stand him up but he just weigh himself more.

"Hmm." He hummed and leaned closer to my chest. "You're warm."

"And you're cold. Come on, let's go to bed." I said and he nodded. Finally, he stood straight-I think?- and put his left arm on my shoulder while I put my right arm around his waist.

He was leaning on me with eyes closed as I guide him to our bedroom. As we got there, I gently placed him on the bed and he laid down loudly. He let out a heavy sigh and tried to be comfortable.

I watched him as his hands were trying to look for something, though his eyes were closed. Slowly, his hand caught mine and even in a drunk times, he managed to pull me in bed. "There you are." He mumbled.

"Harry, let go of me." I said, bluntly.

"No, I want to cuddle." He demanded, pulling me closer. "You smell like home. I missed you."

I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling comfortable in his arms. "I missed you, too."

"Yay." He mumbled.

"Do you know that you'll have a great hangover tomorrow, right?" I reminded him and it took him seconds to answer.

"Yeah, but you'll be there to take care of me so I don't have any worries." I tried to get a little space, pushing him slightly but he grumbled. "No."

"You need to brush your teeth first. I already brushed mine." I said, kissing his chest which was revealed because of the button up he's wearing.

"I feel dizzy, maybe tomorrow."

"Harry." I warned.

No answer, just a quiet snore. Is he sleeping already?

I looked up and saw his lips parted and eyes shut closed. I smiled, happy and contented that he's mine. I carefully moved up, trying not to wake him. When we were face to face, I leaned in and kiss his nose.

I saw him slightly smiled and that's how my day ended. With my drunk boyfriend, slept with a small smile on his lips and a deep dimple on his left cheek. Another cute memory.

A/N: I'm sorry if this is just a small one, I don't know when I'll update Part 2 of Changing. Its our test today, tomorrow, and the other day so I'll get busy. Lucky, I thought something.

Maybe I'll post some short but cute imagine because of some picture I've seen so just wait for that. Maybe I'll update tomorrow, so you wait.

We're close to 100K guys, we can do this!

~Allaine xx

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