90.) Another One

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A/N: Gonna be a super short and cute one. I think?


I woke up when I feel someone trying to lay between Harry and I. My husband groaned beside me while I open my eyes, there I see our 3 year old son, Jayden, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Mommy, I can't sleep." He pouted while sitting between us.

"Jayden, go back to your room." Harry grumbled, not opening his eyes.


He groaned again and untangled himself on me, turning the other way. He is grumpy!

"Come sleep here." I said in a soft voice and Jayden smiled laying between us. His arm and leg were hugging me while I smiled and hugged back.

And we went back to sleep.


The next day, Harry, Jayden, and I were sitting on the bed, watching the television. Our son was sitting between us, sucking his thumb.

I, then felt Harry hold my hand that was around Jayden. I smiled at the small  gesture.

But then, my dear son saw it and removed Harry's hand away from mine, placing his small hand instead and brought it closer to him, then he continue watching the television.

I laughed lightly. Harry was staring at him with a poker face but Jayden didn't mind him.

Harry's eyes met mine and I just gave him a chuckle. "Let him." I mouthed at him and he rolled his eyes but nodded.


"Mommy, say 'Ah'." My son told me while holding a spoonful of ice cream in front of me.

I smiled and opened my mouth. Jayden grinned, a deep dimple forming on his left cheek just like Harry's. He look like Harry so much, it's amazing. I can't believe he is our son.

"Jayden, me too. Ahhh." Harry closed his eyes and opened his mouth, waiting for an ice cream in his mouth. But our son shook our head and ignore Harry.

I giggled and tapped Harry's forehead. He opened his eyes and looked down at him.

"He doesn't want to."

Harry frowned and crossed his arms, looking like a child.


Finally, Jayden finally decided to take a sleep after the day had passed. It's past 9 o'clock and Harry was in the bathroom.

I was already ready to sleep then I heard Harry entering the room. He was walking around for a few minutes then I felt the bed dipped.

But I didn't felt his arms around me normally. I turned my head only to be met by his back and his hair. Why is he turning away from me?


He didn't answer.

"Hey." I sat and placed my hand on his arm. "You okay?"

His answers were just breathing.

I scrunched my eyebrows and tried to make him look at me but he's much stronger so he didn't move at all.

"Harry." I said in a louder voice.

He sighed and finally turned his head to me. "What?"

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?" I asked, worried.

"Like what?" He also sat but he leaned on the headboard, avoiding my eyes.

"You're in that mood again."

"What mood?" He asked, acting dumb.

I rolled my eyes, "Nevermind." I laid my head on the pillow again and facing the other way.

I will not fight with him this time. He needs to sort this out of his own. He suddenly gets upset and mad and I don't know what's the reason. I thought only girls are this complicated.

"I'm sorry." He sighed again and hugged me from behind, tightening his grip on me. Noticing my sudden change of mood. "I-I just..."

"You are what?"

"It's stupid honestly, and embarassing."

I turned again, facing him. His face inches away from mine. "Tell me. I would understand."

He closed his eyes and take a deep breath, "Jayden's taking you away from me and I don't like it."

I blinked. What? I smile crept into my face then a chuckle came out of my mouth. Is he jealous of our son?

He opened his eyes and pouted, "Your attention is all on him now and-"

"Hey." I placed my hand on his cheeks. "He's our son. Why would you get jealous of him?"

"I don't even know!" He groaned.

"I love you, you know that?" I looked at him in the eyes. "I love both of you, but Jayden is a child and needs attention. You're an adult Harry." I grinned.

He pouted and frowned. "I need attention too!" He whined in a child's tone while throwing a little tantrum.

I laughed and kissed the tip of his nose. He is acting like a child!

He, then suddenly kissed me on the lips. Turning passionate as time passed. Now, he's suddenly like this?

"Har-" I pulled away but he leaned in and connect our lips again. Our position is not that comfortable and thankfully he noticed that and placed himself on top me.

He pulled away and I breathed heavily because of his sudden kisses. His lips trailing down on my neck as he suck little by little on my skin.

I let out a shaky breath and tried to push him away from me, luckily he really did pull away. He was staring at me.

"What are you doing?" Still trying to catch my breath.

He tilt his head to the side. "Do you think he wants a brother? A little sister, maybe. "

My eyes widened.

I opened my mouth to say something but he pressed his lips on to mine again. He is eager y'all.

"I'm ready to make a little you now, baby." He whispered, pulling away a little, "So our son won't have to take you away from me."

I chuckled, "Harry. You surprised me. Do you think carrying a baby is that easy?"

"No. But-" he blinked repeatedly and suddenly turned nervous. He bit his lip and get off of me. "I'm sorry. I-I was just, I don't know what I'm doing, Y/N. I-I thought-"

"But I want, too." I cut him off. He probably thought I didn't want to but I'm ready to have a baby of his again.

He blinked, staring at me.

"I'm not finished talking yet, you know?" I smiled. "So go ahead, Harry. You do you."

He chuckled and grinned widely. "Oh, baby."

A/N: Okay, maybe it's long enough for a short imagine? Hope you love it! We are so close to 300k loves! Can we do it this time?

Please do vote! This means a lot! And please tell me what kind of imagine you guys want next. I can't think of any ideas. Would love to hear one of yours!

~Allaine xx

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