56.) Late

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"Sorry, Harry. Were over."

Those were the last words I said the last time I saw him. And that was like three months ago. I thought I can do everything without him but look now. I regret saying that. I wish I could just turn back the time.

I don't know what happened to me back then. I just gave up.

But soon I realized everything and I really wish I could turn back the time. But I don't have a time machine so I can't do that.

The worse thing is he already have a girlfriend. It literally crushed my heart to see another girl on his arms and to see him looking at her the way he looked at me months ago. The pictures of him and his girl. Ugh!

But who ended the relationship? Me. So I need to suffer all of these.

I didn't even fought for our relationship. Seriously? What happened to me? Why the fuck do I need to be stupid and break up with him?

I'm just here in my room, looking through our old pictures and not even realizing I was already crying.

Sometimes, I was just staring at his phone number. I wanted to call him. To speak with him and to hear his voice, saying my name. But I don't get the courage to do that.

I'm stupid okay?! I lose a great man that loves me very much with my stupidity and I can't do nothing about it now.

He's happy with his new girl and here I'am, still hoping he will fall for me again.

But that will never happen. And all of that because of me. I was hurt because of me. Me and my shit.

Its too late now. Too late.

A/N: Sorry if this is all I can update. I just did this in twenty minutes. And I know you're all waiting for the CITW 3 but you just need to wait. Its still in my draft and the two long imagines.

For Chelsea: your imagine is half done. I'm so sorry for taking so long but were just so busy, okay?

And for all of my readers thank you so much for the 41K reads. You don't know how happy that made me.

I'm so so so sorry for not updating in a month. Seriously the three imagines will be very long. As in VERY long.

And if you're asking why I finished this WEIRD imagine. This is what I'm feeling now. So yeah, I'm very stupid. I just lose a great man. Sorry. Oh and no we are not in a relationship. You could just say we were inlove. Please don't comment something that will made me feel bad. I don't need it.

Anyway, I'll try to update next week. Thank you and I'm so sorry once again.


~Allaine xx

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