62.) Time [Part 2]

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You know the feeling when you want a thing you desired most but never got the chance to get it? The feeling when your mom said she'll go to abroad or something. The feeling of emptiness. That's what I'm feeling now.

There's a huge hole in my heart that I've never felt before.

I was still standing at the middle of the field, alone. Realization hit me and I let my tears fall. A sob escaped my lips as I ran out of the stadium.

I'm so fucking stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I entered my car and slammed the door shut, sobs coming out of my mouth. Its my fault why he break up with me, I fucking hate myself for that. He doesn't want a gift for this Christmas but my time. My time for him and I didn't gave him that.

I closed my eyes and let out a frustrated scream. Suddenly, my phone vibrated. Thinking it was Harry, I immediately picked it up.


"Y-Y/N? It's... it's Daniella."

My eyes widened, "What happened?"

"She had an attack, her blood pressure is picking up." Why is this day getting worse?

"I'll be there at five." I hang the phone and quickly started the car. My sister is on the edge of dying and I need to be there.

Once I got to the hospital, I didn't waste a second and enter the huge building. I probably looked like a mental but I didn't care. I'm too broken to care.

I ran at the second floor and barged in the second room on my left. Jamie, the nurse, the one who called me earlier was there, watching my sister, Daniella, getting revived. There was this long beeping sound that I never wanted to hear.

My tears fall at the sight. It was horrible. Before I know what I was doing, I screamed. "Save her! Please!" My knees buckled and Jamie just cried with me, kneeling beside me and hugged me. "Daniella, don't leave me." I whispered.

"Clear!" The doctor pressed the two magnetic metal on her chest, before pulling. The ear defending sound won't stop.

"Daniella!" I yelled.

"Clear!" They did it one more time and this time, her heart started beaping again. I gasped loudly and stood up, watching them. The doctor stepped backwards and gave the reviving thing on one of the nurses surrounding my sister.

She then looked at me, she removed her mask and put her hands on her white coat. "I need to talk to you, Y/N."

I nodded. Even though, I'm hearing another bad news, I let myself get hurt. We exited the room and we both sat on the bench at the side. "As you know, the tumor in Daniella's brain is growing and we can't do anything to make her live. I'm sorry."

"What you're saying is that my sister will die." I'm not asking. I just repeated the statement she wants to say.

"As much as it hurt, yes. She still have a month to live."

I exhaled a short breath and closed my eyes. My head is starting to ache. Its Christmas and this is what I get? What the fuck is wrong with my life? Why am I suffering like this?

"I'll leave you with your thoughts." She stood up and left me. I brought my hands on my face and cried. I don't know what to do anymore.

Two weeks had passed and I never left the hospital. I never left her room. I never left Daniella.

I talked to her a few times and I can see that she is suffering much. Her eyes wanted to tell me that she wants the pain to end and I know there's only one thing for it to end. Death.

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