96.) Too Close

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Lately, we've been fighting a lot and ridiculously, it's over small and petty things. It's stupid.

I am afraid he's already getting tired and slowly falling out of love from me. I am afraid he'll leave me.

Sometimes, I just cry myself to sleep without him beside and comforting me. It's honestly the worst feeling when your loved one is just in the same house as you but he feel so far away. I can't reach him at all.

We barely talk to each other only when we're fighting and it's bad. He even moved to the spare bedroom beside ours complaining on how I've been annoying him lately.

I can't bear to leave him, I would never do that, no. It will be too much for me. For the past three years we've been together, he's already a part of me and losing him means losing half of me.

Today, while he's at work, I decided to clean the house. Hopefully, he'll be happy to see the house getting neat after weeks of not cleaning it. I started with the kitchen and then the living room. After that the bedrooms.

I debated with myself if I should clean the other room - where he is currently staying - or just our bedroom. Is it even ours anymore?

Sighing, I entered the smaller bedroom. His things were scattered on the floor; clothes, files, and even one of the pillows. It took me an hour to clean everything and when I'm done, I'm satisfied with my work.

Closing the door, I get myself something to eat from the kitchen. Munching on a sandwich, my eyes travelled on the wall clock. 2:46 p.m. He'll be back home at 5. I finished my food and started cleaning our bedroom now.



I opened my eyes when I heard my name. I realized I took a nap on our bed after cleaning our bedroom. I must be so tired. I heard my name again and I quickly walked to the other room, frowning about what he's problem now.

When I saw him messing the papers I neatly filed earlier, I spoke tiredly, "What are you doing?"

His head snapped to me, an angry expression on his handsome face, "Where is the file from Mr. Montefalco's firm?"

"It's somewhere there." I know because I saw it earlier. He's not just looking hard enough.

He groaned and continued flipping page after page. It's not my fault he can't find it.

"I've been looking for it for almost thirty minutes now." He frustratedly said then his eyes met mine. "Who said you can go in here and mess with all my stuff?"

My jaw dropped a little. "I just wanted to help, Harry."


Here we go again.

He dropped the folders on the table and walked closer to me. "If you wanted to help, you shouldn't have went in here and make everything harder for me."

I swallowed, "I thought you'll be bothered with an untidy surrounding so-"

"Christ." He closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. He looked exhausted. I did not removed my eyes on him and wait for his reply. "Find it."

I walked on the stack of folders placed on another table and quickly, I found what he's looking for. "Is this it?"

He snatched it out of my hand and sat behind his mahogany table, not saying anything else.

My heart was aching while watching him. He's only a few steps away but I feel like there's too much distance between us.

After a minute or so, I asked him. "Do you want something to eat?" My voice was small and hushed.

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