74.) Summer [Part 1]

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A/N: Hello, everyone! Once again, this imagine is like number 8 imagine: Philippines and the three imagines of Couples in the Wild. Same characters, different plot. If you forgot the characters well here it is again. Y/N & Harry, Kathleen & Niall, Corrinne & Louis, Mariel & Liam, and Rhenz & Zayn. Enjoy! x


Me and my girls were sitting in the living room, discussing our outing for this summer. Where, when, and such things that included foods and swim suits.

"I think a public pool is a bit too risky." Mariel said after Corrinne suggested that.

Kathleen nodded, "Yeah, because of the boys, you know? They might not have fun and paparazzi will take lots of private pictures of us." (A/N: *you know this look* 'Private laws are fucked up' *smirks*)

"Yeah and also for us to avoid perverts that will make the boys jealous." I said. Jealous boys are cute but it can lead to a heartbreak. And a heartbreak can lead to distance. And distance can lead to break-up. We're sure we don't want that.

"How about a private pool then? Just us. We will stay there for three days and two nights maximum." Rhenz suggested. I raised my eyebrows, not bad.

"I vote for the private pool." Mariel said, raising her hand.

"Me, too." I also raised my hand, looking at them. "Ditto." Kathleen raised her two hands and that's left Corrinne.

We all looked at her and she just laughed, raising both of her hands in a gesture like 'I surrender'. "You girls really took me seriously. Why the heck will I agree to a public pool? Kathleen is right, paparazzi are always lingering around us and," she rose her pointer finger up. "I don't want my body and Louis' spreading around the internet. You girls know that we are the most..." she stopped talking, probably looking for exact word.

"PDA." Kathleen spoke.

"Peole who can't keep their hands to theirselves." Rhenz replied.

"And people who doesn't think about anyone around them." I said.

"In short, you two are the most addicted couple in here." Mariel commented. She's right. She's definitely right.

"Right." Corrinne mumbled. "So, let's search for the most private pool here in L.A." Right after she said that, the door opened revealing the boys.

They were all panting and sweating. So since they opened the door, the cold air engulfed them and that made them relaxed. Apparently, our whole house is air conditioned, except for the bathroom of course.

"Thank God." Harry muttered, popping the first three buttons of his polo, revealing his tattooed chest.

"The sun was eating us!" Louis complained, tugging his shirt up a little bit.

"I think I got tanned a little bit." Niall said, staring at his arms. His skin didn't change but I didn't said anything.

Liam closed the door, exhaling loudly. "Why is it so hot?!"

"Probably because of me." The boys looked at Zayn weirdly.

"Now's not the time for stupid jokes, mate. I might punch you." Harry said, walking to me. I'm currently sitting on a single sofa so when Harry was in front of me, I was shocked when he lift me up and sat on my seat.

"Um, excuse me. I'm sitting there." I said, looking at him. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

"Please, let me be, babe. Just for a second. I'm so exhausted right now." Harry proclaimed.

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