Season 2; Chapter 6

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Kid Danger jumped into his parents' car, Girl Peril following in suit. He put the keys in the ignition and started the car.

"Wait!" Girl Peril shouted suddenly, "You don't even have your permit yet!"

"Well I guess we just can't get pulled over," Kid Danger said.

"You can't drive! It's illegal!"

"This is an emergency!"

Girl Peril sighed but then nodded, allowing Kid Danger to drive. He drove them to the outskirts of the town and parked the car next to a small, rectangular, dark grey building. Kid Danger and Girl Peril slowly got out of the car and walked over to the building. There was no lock on the dark oak door. Girl Peril reached out to open it but it eerily swung forward before her hand reached it. She and Kid Danger exchanged nervous looks then crept into the dark room.

"Now the most important thing is-" Kid Danger began.

"Hello?" Girl Peril called out, cutting off Kid Danger.

"The element of surprise," Kid Danger finished disappointedly through gritted teeth.

"Sorry," Girl Peril muttered.

"I thought I'd be seeing you soon," a woman's voice came through the darkness.

A flash of lightning burst from the darkness right past Kid Danger and crashed through the wall, creating a hole.

"You missed," Kid Danger said coolly.

"Did I?" the woman said.

She came out of the darkness and into the small beam of light that shone from Girl Peril's phone's flashlight. She had long, black, silk-like hair that reached her waist. There was a black lightning bolt painted across her face and she was very tall, a little more than six feet. She was wearing a dark yellow dress suit with a small black bow tie and tall black heels to make her look even taller.

"What do you mean?" Kid Danger asked, breaking out into a nervous laugh, "You... you missed."

"But what if you weren't what I was aiming for?" the woman asked.

"Kid Danger..." Girl Peril said slowly as she stared at something through the hole in the wall, "She didn't miss."

"What are you talking about?" Kid Danger asked as he turned around.

He froze when he spotted it. The woman had shot lightning straight at his parents' car and set it on fire. Now they had no transportation back to the house. Kid Danger and Girl Peril turned back to look at the woman who had a mean smile on her face.

"What's your problem, Lightning Streak?" Kid Danger asked the woman, putting emphasis on the last two words for dramatic effect.

"Oh so you do remember me," the woman, Lightning Streak, said casually, "Good. It'll make this so much more fun."

"Make wha-" Kid Danger started but before he could finish asking the question, Lightning Streak had sent a blast of lightning right at him but it didn't hit him. It circled around him, tying him in it. It lifted him into the air as he wriggled around, trying to get loose.

Nervous and not knowing what to do, Girl Peril ran towards Lightning Streak but before she could reach her, she too was in the same situation as Kid Danger. She groaned and looked over at him who was roughly five feet away from her. Girl Peril stayed still for a moment, an expression on her face as if she were contemplating all her life decisions.

"You know," Girl Peril said to Kid Danger, "We really shouldn't have left without Captain Man."

"No, we really shouldn't have," Kid Danger agreed.

Both stayed still for another moment before struggling against the hold again. Lightning Streak just laughed at their struggle.

"This is just too fun," Lightning Streak taunted, "Too bad Captain Man isn't here. I got my appetizer and my dessert but I'm missing my main meal. Would have made it so much more fun."

"Yeah, too bad Captain Man isn't here," a voice said from behind Lightning Streak.

Kid Danger and Girl Peril looked at each other and smiled with relief while nodding as Lightning Streak turned her head to see Captain Man standing behind her.

"Captain Man," Lightning Streak said as she looked him up and down, "You're here."

"Sure am," Captain Man said, squatting on the floor and kicking his leg out so it tripped Lightning Streak causing her lightning hold on Kid Danger and Girl Peril to disappear. The two sidekicks fell to the floor then scrambled back up, watching as Captain Man and Lightning Streak fought. Lightning Streak kept firing bolts of lightning at Captain Man but it only knocked him down for a second before he stood back up and said he was okay.

After a while, Captain Man had had enough. The fight was going nowhere. He took two metal wristbands out of his pockets and threw them onto Lightning Streak's wrists where they automatically clasped on. She tried to shoot lightning again but nothing came out of her hands. Again, she tried but again, nothing came out.

"What did you do?!" she shrieked.

"Oh, you don't know?" Captain Man asked mockingly, "Well, you see, there's a certain type of metal that blocks your lightning powers from working, and uh, well, you see..."

He pulled out a small remote from his pocket and pressed a button, causing a chain to spring from the two wristbands on Lightning Streak and connect.

"You're going to jail," Captain Man finished and he led her out of the building as police cars lined up on the street outside.

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