Chapter 100

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(HEY GUYS:) Literally thank you so much for being so damn patient with me, im just tryna get my life together at this point.... but I rly wanna write I LOVE IT. This book is almost coming to an end, so stay tuned and thank you so so so so so so much for the love and suport thats brought me here today!!!! -Roo)


Carmela waited for a cab on the street, standing in the middle of chilly, bustling downtown Chicago.

After that... bizzarre... training with Roxana, Carmela had fled the place and found herself walking around the alleys of the city, a small coffee in hand. Her head was heavy and racing with viscious thoughts. The icyness of Roxana's eyes kept coming back to her. Either she was high or Carmela was.

The cab skidded to a stop in front of her. She threw her empty cup into a garbage bin on the sidewalk, and seated herself inside the taxi.

"Where you going?" The wary woman at the front asked.

"Uhm, to Flynn's, thanks." Carmela replied buckling herself in, her throat somewhat raw.

Was it her very first night working at a strip club? Yes, yes it was. Was she nervous to dance in front of a shit ton of people? Yes, yes she was.

You got this. You can do this, no sweat.

Deep breaths and gulps didn't help calm her firing nerves, but at least she didn't throw up.

After a couple of long dreadful minutes, the car halted in front of a building Carmela was very familiar with.

"Here you are. Now get off."

"Yeah. Thanks." Carmela scoffed softly, and paid the sulking woman.

She stepped into the chilly wind and then into the warm building. Since the dancing hadn't started yet, it was very quiet in the club. A couple of people were drinking and chatting at the bar, while others were by the music stage, fiddling with instruments.

A flash of big glossy eyes, full dark red lips, and thick shiny hair, caught Carmela's attention. The woman too, broke into a smile as they made eye contact and made her way out from behind the bar counter. A short silver dress hung at her curvy hips and plunged deep into her full breasts. The woman was stunning, as usual.

"Carmela!" Rosa hurried over with a laugh, and took Carmela into her arms.

"Hi!" She spoke with a scratchy voice and Rosa withdrew with a frown.

"What's wrong, love? Are you feeling okay? Are you sick?" Rosa held a hand to Carmela's forehead, but she shook her off.

"No, no I'm fine, Rosa. It's just been a long day." Carmela nodded, trying to keep her eyes from drooping tiredly.

"Alright... I hope you're okay for tonight?" Rosa peered at her, deeply worried.

"Yeah, no I'm totally fine for tonight." Carmela stretched her lips into a quick smile.

But stiffened as Roxana strolled over to them.

"Hello again, Carmela. Ready to put on a spectacular performance?" The tall woman put a hand on her shoulder, sending shivers up her arm.

"Yeah, I think so." Carmela stuttered. She still couldn't stop thinking about their conversation earlier that day. Roxana couldn't possibly have been serious. Could she?

"Great. Follow me." She turned on her heel and led the way.

"Go! You're beautiful! Good luck!" Rosa squeezed her hands and nudged her towards Roxana.

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