Chapter 47

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Tae and Carmela approached the large round table where the rest of the six boys and Roxana were sitting at. Plates of eggs, toast and pancakes sat in front of each person, and they looked up from their meals as the two of them awkwardly halted to a stop.

"Hey. Where were you guys?" Jin asked, licking the maple syrup off his fork.

"U-um, there was a spider." Tae quickly said and Carmela nodded, trying not to look anyone in the eye.

"A spider?" Hosi asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes, Hosi. Eat your food." Roxana snapped, shoving forkfuls of omelet into her mouth.

"Sorry, we're late, though." Carmela chirped up, rubbing her palms together.

"It's fine, Carmela! Come and sit down!" Jimin smiled.

She and Tae awkwardly sat in chairs around the table side by side and the waiter walked over to them.

"Hello there. What would you two like?" The short man questioned.

Tae glanced at Carmela, who was thinking what she should pick.

"Umm, I'll get a chocolate chip pankcake and a cup of orange pekoe tea, please." She smiled at the waiter.

"Get me same as her. Just no tea." Tae said, scratching his forehead.

The waiter nodded and walked away, and Carmela and Tae turned back to the others who were munching on their food. JK and Jimin were giggling beside each other, Namjoon and Jin were laughing about something they saw on their phones, and Yoon was sipping his tea. Carmela gulped nervously as she saw Hosi and Roxana next to each other exchange whispers and stares. Wonder what they were talking about...

"Tae... I feel awkward." Carmela leaned close to him and whispered.

"Don't worry. We didn't do anything wrong. Just act normal." Tae titled his head down, whispering back.

The waiter slid two plates of chocolate chip pancakes in front of them. "Here you are. Miss, your tea will be just a moment. I'll have my son bring it for you." 

"Thankyou!" Carmela smiled, picking up a fork and knife.

Tae munched beside her but he kept glancing at her plate. Carmela sighed with her mouth full and turned to him.

"Tae, what do you want?" Carmela snapped.

"Your chocolate chips are different. They're bigger and chocolatier." He whined.

"They're literally the same thing."

"No, look at mine. Try some." Tae said, and he picked up a forkful of his pancake. 

He held it in front of Carmela's lips and she ate it from his fork, giggling as some crumbs fell from her mouth.

"See? It's different." Tae smiled.

"Dude, it tastes the same!" Carmela laughed. "Look, try mine." 

She cut a piece of her own pancake and lifted it up to Tae's open mouth, shoving it inside. He chewed slowly.

"Hm... yep, this is completely different than mine. What a rip off." Tae grumbled. 

"You're hilarious." Carmela hit his arm and giggled.

"How am I hilarious? You're the hilarious one." Tae grinned down at Carmela and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Am I now--" Carmela began but immediately froze when she suddenly noticed the table had gone quiet.


Everyone at the table was staring at the two of them. Carmela quickly moved away from Tae who nervously cleared his throat.

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