Chapter 84

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Carmela furiously slid into the booth of the restaurant.

"What the hell is wrong with him... he's defintely a r-rapist..." She muttered angrily to herself, ignoring the odd looks people were giving her.

Hosi and the others hadn't come in yet. Guess they were still with that crazy jerk. Carmela felt like screaming and punching and sprinting and crying all at the same time.

Why was he even here, h-how dare he even think of coming near her! What exactly did he think would happen if he just showed up? Did he think she would embrace him? Believe the word of the stupid court? If they needed evidence, why the hell didn't they just listen to what Jules said? And the people at the club... one of them had to have witnessed SOMETHING. So why not thoroughly examine everything? HOW COULD THEY FIND LITERALLY NOTHING?

And now he was back.

After two years, he came back.

"Oh my God..." Carmela sighed breathlessly, and lifted her elbows on the table, head in her hands. "What do I--"

But then she heard the ringing bell of the door opening and immediatly shot up. Finally.

Hosi, Jungkook and Jimin walked into the restaurant together, towering over the tables. A booth full of young teenage girls goggled at them, phones out and whispering. But their faces turned into jealous scoffs as the three boys stalked over to Carmela's table.

Hosi wiped his brow and took a deep, shaking breath as he slid next to Carmela. Jimin stiffly nodded down at her, and then he and Jungkook sat into the opposite seats.

"You knew he was coming. You knew he was here." Carmela said, peering at Jimin.

"Chill. Jin said it would be a good idea if we all sat down and--" Jimin stammered.

"And what? Talk? Joke? Laugh about how he raped my best friend and legit killed her? H-how dare you..." She gulped, swallowing the lump in her throat.

"Sorry. I don't know what Jin was thinking." Jimin said, lowering his eyes. But his voice sounded cold and... annoyed.

Carmela pursed her lips. Hmm. Jin. He seemed like he was on Tae's side after everything. Like he fully believed he was innocent. Carmela was pretty sure the other boys seemed against Tae, because it was the justified way to be. But Jin acted different. Did he know something? What was he hiding?

She noted to herself to talk to Jin alone later. She needed to get to the bottom of this. It was the only way she could leave Jules in peace. And herself.

"So... is he gone? Where's Jin?" Carmela asked, her throat raw. Jimin answered, crossing his arms.

"Jin went back with him. To Namjoon's house. His sister is waiting for--"

"Okay." Carmela snapped, fists curled onto the table. Jimin glanced at her, pursing his lips, and he quietly scoffed.

Hosi turned to her, his eyes sad. He put a hand on Carmela's wrist, and she looked up at him.

"Carmela? Are you okay?" He asked her gently with glossy eyes.

Suddenly, an ache pounded through Carmela's heart and her throat choked up with pain. She gazed into Hosi's eyes that became shiny with his tears and her vision became blurry with her own.

"I didn't... I didn't know what to say... or do... I never expected to just see him there--" She said softly, her voice trembling.

"You were perfect, Carmela. Everything you said was right. I will never let that bastard near you again, okay?" Hosi replied, putting his other hand over her fists.

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