Chapter 15

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(Hello lovelies:) just a heads up, this chapter may be a tiny bit graphic for some people but I tried not to make it too serious, but there is a part in here that just might be uncomfortable. If you dont like gore and stuff read this: skip the part that comes when Carmela enters the bedroom a second time. ♡♡)

"Okay Carmela, you're the princess so put the dolly up in the tower, and I'm the prince down here. He's gonna save you and carry you from the tower."

"But why are you saving me? Why can't the prince be up here instead?"

"Because thats how you play. The prince comes running to save the princess who's calling for help."

"But why can't the princess come running and save the prince?"

"Because she'll trip on her dress!"

"Why does she have to wear a dress?"

"Carmela! Because she wants to!"

"No she doesn't. I'm the princess and I don't want to wear a dress."

Carmela withdrew the pink beautiful princess from the top of the toy tower and pushed her little fingers against the cloth of the sparkly fabric, trying to tear it off. Jules sat in front of her and slammed the prince down on the ground.

"Carmela! Stop it!"

"No. This is my house and this is my doll!"

"No it's not! Your dad bought them for us together!"

"No he didn't! He's my dad so why would he buy you something?"

"It doesn't matter because he's not even here! NOW GIVE IT!"


Her friend lunged at her and tried to take the doll but Carmela crawled away and ran out the room.


She pit-patted down the hallway and reached her parents' bedroom. What were those strange sounds?

Carmela pushed the door open with her stubby fingers and it creaked wide open. Aunt Kass was on her knees beside her mom's bed with her face in her hands. Why was she crying?


Aunt Kass turned her flooding face to Carmela's and stood up quickly, stumbling over to the door. Her mouth twitched into something of a smile and she slammed the door shut in Carmela's face.

What? Why was Aunt Kass crying so much? Where was Mama?

"Mama? Mama!" She knocked on the wood again and again but no answer came. After a moment, she turned the door knob, pushing the door open a second time and stepped inside. What were those loud sounds? She looked towards the bathroom in the room and the door was open. Why was Aunt Kass leaning over the toilet? Was she talking to it? Was there something inside? Did she drop something?

Carmela walked to her mom's bed. The covers were completly pulled over her beautiful Mama.

"Mama? Are you sleeping?"

She wanted to see her. And tell her how mean Jules was. She didn't want to be friends with that girl anymore. She spied her mothers fingers from under the rim of the blanket and rushes forward, grabbing them in her tiny hands.

"Mama? Why are you sleeping? It's morning!" She giggled and tugged at her mother's fingers, sliding them out from under the covers. But her mom didn't move. Carmela looked down at the cold fingers in her hands and her vision blackened for a second as she saw the deep, dark red gash on the skin of her wrist.

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