Chapter 43

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No, please, no.


Just lemme sleep... I'll pay you.


Is that Tae... wait, why is the floor moving?

"Carmela, fucking wake up already."

Oh my god! It's an earthquake or something... oh my god, I'm gonna die... I'M--

"--GONNA DIEEE!" Carmela's eyes flew open and she jerked up in her seat.

Tae and Jin were staring at her from both sides, scared.

Oh. They were still in the car. Haha, right.

"Carmela, we're here." Jin said, smiling tiredly.

"Really?!" Carmela said, feeling awakened. Her legs were sore and her stomach churned with butterflies every time she looked at Tae beside her.

"Yes! Namjoon's just trying to find our hotel." Jin replied.

"Ah, okay."

Carmela yawned and tried to stretch her arms over her head but the place was too small and she whacked Tae in the face with her elbow.

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Tae whined, holding his cheek.

"Chill, it was an accident, sorry." Carmela was surprised at his childish reaction. He didn't have to get so mad over one small thing.

"IT HURT!" Tae grumbled angrily.

"Oh my fucking-- YOU ARE SO DRAMATIC! Why do you have to make a big deal out of everything? Did I break your bones or something?"

"I make a big deal out of everything, huh? Remember that lovely time when I accidentally-- I repeat-- ACCIDENTALLY called you my colleague and you freaked out for days?"

"Shut your ass up, Tae! I don't want to talk to you anymore. Actually, I'M NEVER GONNA TALK TO YOU! You asshole..." Carmela scowled and turned in her seat towards Jin who was frozen at their sudden fight.

"So Jin... how was the car ride?" Carmela smiled at Jin, ignoring the boy's frightened face.

"Do you think I care? It's not like you talk to me anyways..." Tae grumbled and turned towards his window.

"Jin, did you know how much of a drama queen your friend Taehyung is over there?" She said as Jin blinked with wide eyes and gulped.

"What did you say?" Tae snapped.

"Nothing." Carmela replied.

"What. Did. You. Say?"

"Oh hey... I think I found your nose. It was in my business." She fought the laugh inside her, feeling Tae literally blow up beside her.

Suddenly Tae sat up in his seat and yawned loudly, stretching his arms. His elbow bumped Carmela's head.

"HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR, YOU LITTLE--" Carmela fired up but Jimin called from the middle seats.

"ALRIGHT, OKAY, that's enough for today guys. We're all super tired right now, but I promise you both can fight extra hard tomorrow." Jimin mocked. Hosi and JK muffled their laughs beside him.

Carmela huffed and leaned back in her seat. She couldn't help but think about Hosi. He was laughing and talking and he seemed... happy. Carmela was glad that he was feeling better because she felt guilty as hell yesterday when she told him she liked.... this absolute asshole.

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