Chapter 48

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Carmela pushed the doors of the cafeteria open and stepped inside the large, tall room. Tae followed behind her as they approached the table the others were at. Roxana and the boys were standing around the empty clean table, chatting and clicking away at their phones. Roxana looked up as Carmela came over.

"Hey! How's Tae?" Roxana asked. She looked behind at Tae who stepped into view. 

"I'm fine, Roxana. You worrying about me or something?" Tae joked and Roxana smiled at him. 

Carmela pursed her lips. Friends. They're JUST friends, girl, sit down.

"Tae, are you sure you're okay? That tea looked really hot..." Jimin said, coming over. He gently touched Tae's bandaged hand.

"It doesn't hurt, Jimin, seriously. Don't worry." Tae sighed, tired of everyone's concerns.

"Look at that bandage!" JK gasped and went to touch Tae's hand but quickly jerked back. Dude, it's literally not contagious.

"You got us scared, Tae. Looked like it hurt as hell. I don't know if you're tryna be tough or something, but you got some damn strength right there." Namjoon said, fixing his white cap and patting Tae on the shoulder.

"I know, man, I know. When're we leaving?" Tae said, patting Namjoon back on the arm.

"Actually we were waiting for you two." Jin said.

"Yep. We gotta get to the performance workshop now or we're late!" Roxana said, pushing them all to move towards the exit.

"I'm so excited!" Carmela said and the boys smiled and nodded.

They quickly hurried to the exit and rushed into the parking lot. Roxana's car was parked there and she fumbled with her keys before pushing the unlock button. Hosi slid the middle door open and pulled down a seat to make way to the back seats.

Carmela glanced at Tae and he smirked at her, his hungry eyes flashing. Were they gonna sit together again? Well, sure am looking forward to that--

"Tae, come and sit with me at the front. I need to talk to you." Namjoon said.

He swung an arm around Tae's shoulder and before Tae could say anything, Namjoon led him to the front passenger seat. Tae cleared his throat, annoyed as he pulled open the door.

"I'd LOVE to sit with you Namjoon. Thanks a lot for asking." Tae grumbled but smiled at Namjoon who sat in the driver's seat.

Carmela felt dissapointed. She was sorta looking forward to sitting next to Tae... she liked it when he talked to her, even if he was being an ass sometimes.

"Wanna sit together, Carmela? In the back?" Roxana said.

"W-what? You want to sit with me?" Carmela asked, shocked.

She thought Roxana suspected something was up between her and Tae. But Roxana didn't even seem upset... maybe she really didn't like Tae... maybe that's why they'd never turned into a real relationship.

"Yeah, why not? We haven't properly talked in ages. About time we catch up, don't you think?" Roxana flawlessly smiled.

"Yeah, I legit feel the same way!" Carmela grinned at her and they both stepped into the back seat together.

JK followed them in, filling up the third seat in the back. The rest of the boys quickly hopped on and Namjoon sped off, quietly chatting with Tae at the front.

"So..." Carmela smiled awkwardly at Roxana.

"For starters, nice work so far. You've done a great deal for TSB and GreatKick." Roxana said.

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