Chapter 92

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The boys danced around me, jumping with the crowd to the upbeat music. Flashing lights sprayed an array of colours around the club, masking young men and women, spilling drinks all over their tangled bodies. My friends circled around me, and I swayed among them from side to side, feeling stripped of... well, feelings.

"COME ON TAE!" Jimin moved in close to me, laughing and spinning with a bottle in his hand.

"What? I'm dancing, aren't I? Just like you said--"

"WHAT? SORRY, MAN, I CAN'T HEAR YOU--" Jimin spun his hand over his ear, and took a swig of vodka before continuing dancing.

"Okay." I smiled wide.

"Fuck you and your way of making everything OKAY again. OKAY my ass. You're more messed up than me if you think our lives will go back to normal. It's been two fucking years. Whatever happened to me was life's way of saying I'M A BITCH. That doesn't mean you get to drown me in guilt and basically force me to do whatever YOU want now, fuck. Jimin, nothing is okay. It's best you get that through your thick skull and leave me the fuck alone. If you're so worried about yourself and your happiness, then why the hell are you even here with me? Someone who was close to Carmela died in pain... because of me. How do you expect me to move past that? It's MY damn life that's ruined, MY future's gone down in shit, and MY... my... Carmela... all because of--" My face fell with my voice.

Jimin frowned and put a hand to his ear, but I quickly stretched my white teeth into a smile and swayed my shoulders to the beat. He laughed drunkily and clapped me on the shoulder, before turning to cheer up a bored JK.

I rolled my eyes and lifted my chin up to the ceiling. The lights hurt the inside of my muggy mind and I quickly flinched away.

But my eyes landed on a figure in the distance. It was Hosi. He was running towards the bathroom and pushing people out of the way with... Carmela?

"Hey wha--"

I watched Carmela stumble into the bathroom, and Hosi lean against the wall outside. Something's wrong... something happened to Carmela. Shit, what do I fucking do... My mind raced as I stood on the tips of my toes, trying to get a better look.

But Jimin's words wouldn't stop repeating at the back of my mind.

"Just forget about Carmela... and all that shit."

Maybe he's... maybe he's right.

I mean, what would I do if I went there, or talked to her? Fucking little Hosi's with her now, anyways. If only she knew...

I'm so sorry, Carmela. I know how much I fucked you up...

I turned away rubbing my burning eyes, and hissed a breath between my teeth. Jin and Namjoon were playing around with JK, and Jimin was making out with a black-haired girl in a silver dress. I swayed and moved to the beat, my eyes grazing over the glittering crowd in front of me. Then there, in the center of my vision I saw two girls with straight blonde hair, dancing together. The one in red was shorter than the other one in black. They were laughing and shaking their long hair as they moved to the music.

I... I don't know why but I... I found myself drawn into them. My body weaved around the crowds, stepping closer to the two girls. I kept my eyes locked on them, and soon they were turning to me with mischevious smiles.

As soon as I approached them, I stepped between their bodies and leaned into the girl in front of me. She stared up at me with adoring eyes, and squealed before crashing her fully-done lips against mine. Her tongue pushed into my mouth and I tilted my head, pushing mine deeper.

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