Chapter 103

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It was early early morning, when Carmela had found herself tangled in a giant blanket on the floor in front of the couch.

"Ah! Oof--" She rolled around and sleepily crawled out of the pile.

Hosi and Heather were asleep as she washed up and queitly poured herself a cup of coffee. Memories piled into her mind, memories of baking and laughing and fooling around at 3 am in this very kitchen.

I miss you best friend.

Smiling sadly, she took the cup and let herself out into the back yard. She strolled around, stepping on the cool dry grass with bare feet, a million thoughts racing through her head.

She couldn't understand how the other boys continued to hang around with Taehyung, especially JK. She didn't expect Jungkook was like that. And the thought of them seeing her up on stage like that, made her cringe with embaressment. Something about Taehyung, made her feel less confident about herself... he reminded her of how falsley he had made her love herself. Because of him, she had felt more aware of her beauty. But not anymore. Now she felt disgusted by herself, because of the way she felt for him in the past. That murderer. He doesn't deserve to be called a human being. Everything about him is false, wrong, lies. He is a liar.

And Aaron... what did he say? That Kim Taehyung hadn't shown up at the party? Was the idiot that drunk?

"Ha." Carmela scoffed angrily, sipping her coffee.

"Carmela!" Hosi shouted behind her, and she turned around.

He jogged up to her.

"What're you doing out here so early? I thought you'd left or something--" Hosi sighed, relieved.

"No, I like the early fresh air." She breathed through her nose.

"So, how's the mood compared to last night?" Hosi leaned on the fence as he talked.

"It's good!" She nodded, taking a sip. Hosi eyed her.

"You sure?"

"Yeah... just something's bothering me--"


"Something that Aaron said. Its just a misunderstanding, totally ridiculous Hosi, don't even worry about it--"

"What did he say?" Hosi urged, worried.

"He said..." she avoided Hosi's eyes. "He said that Taehyung hadn't even shown up to the party that night! Th-that he'd refused to come because of a fight me and him were having--"

"Really?" Hosi's eyes had gone wide.


"Hm, how did Aaron not see him come in? We all saw him come in, me and Roxana--"

"You did?"

Hosi froze, narrowing his eyes. He stared at her, before scoffing.

"Yes. I did. I saw him walk into that bathroom, towards the girls bathroom, I saw everything when I went in there, what he had done to my sister--"

"Stop, I know Hosi, you don't have to--"

"No I think I have to, Carmela. Because clearly you think somethings up and clearly you think that Taehyung is still a little feminist-angel that would never lay a hand on a--"

"Stop! That's not what I meant Hosi--" She tried to touch him but he pushed her away, his hands shaking, breaths fast and hard.

"Y-you know what? Let me ask you something Carmela." Hosi moved towards her, and she backed away, stunned at his sudden aggressiveness.

"Let me ask you this: Do you know where Taehyung's dad is?"

She was stunned for a moment. Taehyung's dad? That cruel man who'd beat his wife to death? Carmela remembered the story, and Taehyung's little sister Mina as she had picked up a broken frame of their family of four, in her brother's demolished room on the day Carmela had came over.

"W-what-- no I don't know--" Carmela replied, trying to remember.

"Of course you don't know! Have you ever tried asking about his dad?" Hosi's eyes were wide and angry.

"I--" She had. But they hadn't told her. Taehyung and his sister both had avoided the question when she had asked of the whereabouts of their father. At the time, she was curious if he was in prison, and if he'd left them all alone.

"Do you know what happened to him, Carmela? Did Taehyung ever tell you what happened to him?" Hosi continued, stepping closer, causing Carmela to stumble backwards again.

"Hosi, back up--"

"No! He didn't! And I bet his sister was all weird about it too!"

Carmela froze.

"What happened." She asked.

"You know why no body ever said anything? Because they were all covering Taehyung's shit! That's why--"

"Hosi, what happened!" Carmela repeated, her voice strained.

The auburn haired boy peered at her with glossy eyes, his quick breaths fighting sobs.

"Hosi!" Carmela felt her own nose sting at the sight of him, and put her hands on his shoulders.

"Ah..." Hosi's voice broke and he collapsed into Carmela.

She hugged him as he cried, her body feeling cold and numb.

"What did he do, Hosi?" She asked softly. "Tell me."

"Ah... ah..." Another sob broke Hosi's words, and Carmela pat his back, holding on to his shaking body.

"Yes? What, Hosi?" She urged.

"He... Taehyung... Taehyung killed his dad."

A loud thud pounded through Carmela's body.

Her arms dropped from Hosi.

She held her breath, unable to exhale.

All she could feel was the deep beat of her heart, feeling fainter by the second

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