Chapter 66

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Carmela took one look at his drunk appearance and slammed the door shut in his face. She closed her eyes as a tear streamed down her face. 

"Just shut up."

The house swayed around her, and a nauseous feeling crept into her stomach. She turned around slowly, but her legs gave in and she slid to the floor, her back against the door. 

"Just shut up." 

Anger consumed her nervousness and surprise and she burned with fire inside. She violently thrust her head back on the door. A painful pound echoed through her body and her aching head felt heavy as it fell back. Her body slumped with weariness, and before she could figure out why that asshole had come to her house, she let herself deepen her breaths and sleep, her tears dried up at the ends of her eyes.

* * * * * * *

She awoke to muffled coughing and fluttered her sore eyes open. Taking a look around, she realized she was still at the foot of the door, slumped against the wood. The coughing sounded again and Carmela stood up, gazing around the house. But it wasn't coming from the house. She held her ear to the door.

She opened it.

He was sitting with his back to her on the steps of the porch. The rain had stopped but it was still chilly. Her thudding heart faltered as she saw him, and she shifted her feet. He jerked his head up and looked around in front of him sleepily. Then he looked over his shoulder and slowly unfolded his long body, standing up. Carmela kept her eyes on his face as he stepped near, stumbling almost.

"W-what are you doing here? And why... how dare you tell me to shut up!" Carmela snapped with an uneven voice and glared at the swaying boy. A strong scent of vodka surrounded him, and he looked the most disheveled she had ever seen him.

"Isn't that what you said to me?" Tae's deep tired voice growled in her ears.

"Huh? When did I--"

"You told me to shut up. When I told you... when I said I was in love with you, you just-- fucking spat in my face an' walked off." His tense face twitched, his towering body swaying on the spot.

"Y-you literally said, like five minutes after, that... that you only loved our fucking sex!"  Her voice broke as she shouted into the night air. "Everything else that happened between us was FAKE! I was always JUST a fun sex toy to you! What happened, bored of Roxana?"

"What? Are you a dumbass or somethin?" He asked, hardening his gaze further into her eyes. She tried to control the pounding beat in her chest, but she couldn't. 

"Hey--" She stopped as he staggered closer.

"So you don't believe a thing I say, except for that shit?" His voice was rough and ignited the feeling building in Carmela's stomach. 

"You literally said to my face--" 

"I know what I said, fuck!" He threw up his hands. 

"Exactly! JUST GET OUT OF HERE! I DON'T WANNA SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!" Carmela screamed in his face, swallowing the aching sob in her voice.

"Carmela, just listen to me--" He pleaded, but his voice growled with angry impatience.

"I'm not letting you get to me, Tae."






"FUCK OFF, YOU COMPLETE ASSHOLE!"  Her finger shook as she pointed right at him, her lip trembling.

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