Chapter 30

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How could someone be SO annoying in literally ten minutes?!

"Sorry Jackson, don't mind him. He's actually... a little messed in the head." Carmela said to the handsome redheaded boy behind the counter.

She heard Tae angrily scoff behind her and leaned on the counter sticking her backside out towards him. Good thing she wore black skinny jeans, hehehe.

"Ahh... I get it. Don't worry about it, Carmela." Jackson smiled, glancing at the tall fuming boy behind Carmela.

"Alright, well I'll see you later then!"

She slowly straightened up and waved goodbye, feeling satisfied. As soon as she turned around in front of Tae, her face changed into an evil smirk. His sunken cheeks were a little flushed and he fluttered his eyes around. He opened his mouth to say something but she quickly brushed past him, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

At least her cover wasn't blown. No one would figure out how much it hurt her when she heard Roxana say that she and Tae had been fucking. How much it twisted her gut and scrambled her confused feelings. Carmela would act like it didn't affect her though. And it DIDN'T. Its not like she actually liked Tae... she barely even knew him.

Suddenly a large warm hand slid into hers from behind and she gasped, spinning around. Tae towered above her, his messy dark hair contrasting against his pale face. His rosy soft lips were parted and his gentle eyes were filled with worry.

"What're you doing?" Carmela squeaked out, her heart thumping. He was so close to her, she could almost feel the heat of his strong body.

"Can you let me explain all this? Please, Carmela..." He pleaded, keeping his deep voice soft.

Carmela yanked her hand away from him, her cheeks growing hot.

"Ha! W-why do you think I care about what you do with your life? You don't need to explain ANYTHING to me at all."

"Huh? Oh."

"Yup. Why the hell did you think I'd get affected?

"But I thought--"

"Yes and you thought wrong."

"But weren't you--"

"Nope, I wasn't."


"You're right, that's my name."

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why're you so... weird?" Tae said, but Carmela was surprised when he suddenly grinned down at her with twinkling eyes.

"What're you looking at? Why d'you always look at me like that anyway? First at the bench and now--"

"Ah, so you're counting how many times I look at you now? Crazy girl..."

"H-hey! Who're you calling crazy! And there's this thing called a memory that humans just naturally have."

"Sorry, never heard of it."

"Aren't you keeping your girlfriend waiting?" Carmela snapped.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Right. You two sure know eachother well though, don't you?"

"Carmela, she's not my damn girlfriend."

"Whatever. Who cares! I don't even know why we're having this pointless conversation!" Carmela huffed.

But Tae stepped closer to her. The tips of his fingers brushed over the top of Carmela's hand, and she shivered. Her whole arm prickeled with goosebumps, and the tiny hairs rose on top her skin.

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