Chapter 57

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"What's with your face?" Aaron said with a smirk.

Carmela glanced at the people around them and shoved her anger to the bottom of her throat, turning away from him. 

"Hey, you still upset because of last time?" He asked.


"Then how come--"

"Okay, why are you talking to me? Do you have something to say or..." Carmela glared at him impatiently.

"Just, congratulations. You ended up getting the job." He leaned back in his seat, crossing his bulky arms. "But honestly... I really had no idea the judges were blind."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I really had no idea you had such a fat jealous ass." Carmela quietly snapped.

"Hey, I'm not jealous, babe--"

"What is with you assholes calling every second girl a babe?  I mean, who do you think you are for fuck's sakes?!" Carmela spat. She finally remembered how much she disliked boys and why exactly she disliked them. If only her mind and body would let her be lesbian, she would literally  not even look towards a guy. Ever.

"W-what... I was just--" Aaron stuttered, brushing a hand over his short blonde hair.

"No! I have a fucking name. If you call me BABE one more time I'll break your nose and rip your hair out. Understand? Huh, babe?" Carmela smirked at his shocked face and he slowly gulped, tearing his gaze away from her.

"Ha, I like you. Not in a 'I'd shag you'  way, but in a nice way. No wonder that guy's obsessed with you..." Aaron muttered the end under his breath, looking out the window.

"Wait, what do you mean? Who guy? What guy?" Carmela straightened up in her seat, a chill running through her body. If a friend of this asshole was supposedly 'obsessed' with her... holy shit.

"Just a guy I know. Actually he was the one who told me to try out for the audition."

"Who is it?" She impatiently asked.

"I don't wanna like, expose him and stuff. But you know him, he's on TSB." 

He was one of the boys? Carmela's heart thudded, a name on the tip of her tongue.

"Is it... is it Taehyung?" The words left her mouth before she could take them back. 

But Aaron just looked at her, puzzled.

"Tae? Nah, he's fucking around with that other blonde bab-- UH, girl. Sorry." 

"Roxana? Wait, do you know Taehyung?" Carmela asked. She was super curious and oddly impatient to talk now and Aaron could tell but he seemed to be enjoying the conversation.

"Well, he's one of my younger sister's best friends. She was one of the judges at the audition actually. Jade?"

"Oh shit. What a small ass world." She mumbled. Her eyes searched for any resemblance to his younger sister, but they looked nothing alike.

"The boys are cool, we don't really hang out much though. Well, except for me and Hosi--" He stopped mid-sentence and suddenly looked very uncomfortable. He glanced nervously at Carmela, and she finally understood who he was talking about earlier. 

"Wow... Hosi, huh?" She pursed her lips and turned her eyes back to the front, her mind racing. "How long have you known him? You must be close."

"We met last year, at a party actually. He was with the boys. His lil step-sis was there too."

"Jules?" She gazed back at him, furrowing her brow.

 "So that's her name. She was fucking hot as-- never mind, sorry." He shut up from Carmela's flaming glare and looked out the window again, clenching his square jaw. 

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