Chapter 106

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At the sound of her name, Carmela jolted awake and realized she was lying on the floor of Jules' bedroom.

She cleared her throat and wiped her wet face and puffy eyes, slowly standing up.

"Are you okay?" It was Hosi and he spoke softly, pain in his voice.

"Mhmm." She nodded.

Suddenly, from behind her, she felt Hosi's large arms slowly sliding into an embrace around her waist. He nuzzled his face in her hair, and just held her there, close.

Carmela squeezed her eyes shut, the ache in her chest tightening. A warmth blossomed inside of her, and without even thinking, her fingers crept along Hosi's arms around her.

But then the time of night came back to her, and Carmela snapped out of it. She quickly broke away from Hosi.

"Shit, I need to get somewhere--" She sniffled and wiped the last of her tears, and moved to run out of the room, but Hosi caught her.

"Hold on, hold on! Now where do you need to go this late?" He looked annoyed but worried.

"Thanks for worrying Dad! But I don't have time right now!" She ran out of the room, and sprinted up the stairs.

Hosi ran after her.

"Wait, Carmela! Let me come with you!" He called from behind just as Carmela opened the front door of his house.

"No, Hosi! Just-- why can't you leave me alone for once?!" She groaned, frustrated. How the hell was she gonna get rid of this guy?

"Why can't you tell me? Me! What could you possibly not be able to tell me?" He looked hurt at her sudden secretiveness and Carmela understood that. They were the closest of friends right now.

"I-I'm sorry Hosi." She sighed. "Look, you should take care of Heather, she needs you more--"

"She's already in her room, sleeping in her Goddamm bed, what do you want me to do?" He threw his arms out, angry now.

Carmela pulled her hair out, groaning with frustration. She looked at the time on her phone. Holy-- IT WAS ALMOST 12!!

She screamed inside her head, glared at Hosi with a burning angry face, and then made up her mind.

"Fine!" She scoffed.

She opened the door and left the house, marching to her car. She looked behind her, but Hosi was still inside at the door, looking confused.

"ARE YOU COMING OR NOT--" Carmela shrieked. 

Hosi immediately sprinted out of the house and without even turning to Carmela, sat inside her car into the passenger seat.


They'd been driving for about 15 minutes, speeding like crazy. Carmela glanced at the time on the car radio, her nerves itching.


"Shit..." She muttered.

Hosi sighed angrily for the hundredth time beside her.

"Carmela!" He whined. "Are you still not telling me where the hell we're going?"

"Yup, I am still not, correct."

"I hate you--" He grumbled.

"You what? Huh? What, speak up so we can all hear--" She smacked him a couple of times, keeping her eyes on the road.

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