(((Last Year - Before Basketball Interhigh)))

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Ai had first met Himuro Tatsuya when she visited Murasakibara at Yōsen High School.

Ai: What time should I be there?

Atsu-kun: Like,... 5:30ish?

Ai: Okay. Meet me in front of the school.

Atsu-kun: You sound like Aka-chin...

Ai realized then that her tone must have sounded too controlling.

Ai: It's so I don't get lost.

Atsu-kun: Ok fine, Mido-chin.

She chuckled as she waited for the train to come on the platform.

"Where did you say you were going?" Narita stood looking over her shoulder. They were on their way back from an off-day with the others. They'd gotten to know each other better, especially since they were in the same class. He was waiting for the train on the other side of the platform.

"Akita, to see a friend from middle school."

"I haven't been in much contact with mine, and they don't live far. You're caring. I guess it makes you a good manager." He locked his fingers together behind his head and stretched.

"Flattery, Kazuhito? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were asking me for something."

He blushed and turned away. "It's not my fault we have so much homework for our class. And, English is so hard."

She laughed a little, empathetic. "I'd be more than happy to help you with that."

He sighed, relieved, as his train on the other track arrived. "Thanks. See you!"

She gave him a pat on the shoulder and waved him off. It didn't take much time for her train to arrive, but it was the countryside. So, it took more than three hours to get there.


In Akita

"Muro-chin, come with me."

Yōsen High's after-school practice had ended early because of the game the next day. The other team members were going their separate ways, leaving the campus.

"What is it, Atsushi?"

"A friend from middle school is coming over, and I have to wait here." He whined and sat on the ground.

"From Tokyo?"

"No, Miyagi."

Himuro thought to himself. "What are the big schools in Miyagi?"

Murasakibara shrugged. "Dunno."

Then, they saw a person turning the corner, following the map on her phone. Himuro didn't think she was the one they were waiting for until she looked up and waved at them. His jaw slacked.


"Tsuki-chin. Did you bring snacks?" He remained seated as she came up to them.

She laughed. "Fortunately, I did. But, I was hoping to go into a café or something." She pulled out a bag of various small candies and dropped it in his waiting hands.

He took it gleefully like a child. "Yay."

She turned to the other person with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were expecting company."

He shook his head, his long bangs swaying. "Not at all. I didn't know either until a few minutes ago." He smiled and shook her hand.

"Oh, yeah. Muro-chin also lived in America."

"Really," her magenta eyes sparkled with curiosity. "I'm Ai Akatsuki, former manager of the Teikō basketball team," she said in English.

"Tatsuya Himuro. Pleased to meet you," he returned. "That must've been a trip from Miyagi."

"Muro-chin, Tsuki-chin, don't talk in a language I don't understand. And,..." he stood up, crumpling a candy wrapper in one hand and reaching out to Ai with the other. His wide hand grabbed her head, and his fingertips started to apply pressure. "Are you trying to pick a fight? You know I hate crows."

Ai realized that she had been wearing the white Karasuno High School T-shirt with the school skirt. She chuckled lightly. "Don't be silly. I would never." Her hands remained at her sides and didn't resist him as the pain increased.

"Atsushi, that's enough. You're hurting her." He held his arm and pried it off of her.

Murasakibara sighed. "Whatever." He started walking off. "But Muro-chin, you should know she's already taken."

They started to follow him, with Himuro throwing looks for confirmation. Ai smiled and shrugged.

"By Aka-chin," he added.

His eyes widened. "Is that true?"

She nodded hesitantly.

He gave out a laugh. "I couldn't imagine Akashi having a girlfriend, from what I've heard." Himuro examined her again. "But, I suppose it's not surprising. You seem like a good match."

She accepted his friendly compliment and smiled.

Murasakibara led them to a nice café where he ordered almost every dessert on the menu. Ai had a cake and chamomile tea set while Himuro ate an ice cream parfait with coffee.

They chatted for a while, and Ai explained that she was in the volleyball and sadō clubs. Murasakibara complained if she had quit basketball, but she assured him that she still liked it very much. She also promised to go watch their tournament games when she could. When she asked Himuro about his ring pendant, he told her about his "brother".

It was almost sunset when they left, with Murasakibara paying her fare and gratuity. She thanked him and hugged his chest while he towered over her. "Thank you for meeting me today. It was just like old times."

"Yeah. The sweets here are good."

She breathed out a giggle at his unchanged nature. She turned to his new friend. "Bye, Tatsuya. It was a pleasure talking with you."

He smirked playfully. "Tatsuya, huh? I don't want to risk jealousy from your boyfriend."

"It's fine. It's an American thing." She gave him a short side hug, too. "Goodbye, Atsu-kun. Good luck at Interhigh."

They waved as she left them for the train station. It would already be dark when she arrived home.

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