Aomine Daiki's Birthday (August 31)

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Let me know if you want a visual calendar for these dates; I'll see what I can do.😅

You can also look back at chapters 2.14 Growing Fast part one and part two of the story!


(Thursday, August 23)

Ai called her best friend on the 23rd of August, two days after Strky's match. She was relaying advice and suggestions to Momoi for the team in Tokyo, since she wasn't there now to help them practice.

Momoi filled her in on the initial details of their plans and how the guys were doing. After talking about data and training — including Momoi's, Akashi's, and the coaches' opinions on topics —, they moved on to the next subject: when Ai would be going to Tokyo.

"Coach Nekomata's expecting us from the twenty-fifth, and the training camp with the others schools ends on the twenty-seventh. I'll meet up with you Monday evening if I can, probably after my schoolmates head back to Miyagi."
She didn't have to explain who Coach Nekomata was; Tōō's manager had already met him, briefly, twice. Once when Momoi had went to Nekoma High School by herself after Ai had told her the school name, and once at the barbecue.
Plus, this was Momoi, the data analyst of the Regal Generation.

"Okay. I'll let Akashi-kun know! He shared your schedule with me yesterday, so I'll fill in the blanks, and you won't have to repeat yourself."

However, this meant that she wouldn't have time to actually watch the new team practice. Ai would have to go straight to the game the next day on the 28th, with little to no time to help the guys prepare.
Life was so busy sometimes.

"Do you want me to tell the others, too?"

"I think I'd rather not get their hopes up. Or put distracting thoughts in their heads."

She heard the female giggle.
"Right. That's a factor I don't want to include in my calculations." Momoi hummed and wondered, "I wonder if Akashi-kun will be distracted since he knows you're coming."

"I'd hope not. If anything, I hope it'll ease his worries." Ai smirked, and she thought about his call yesterday. "I think Seijuro's more excited about us gathering for this team than he lets on."

"I bet he is," her friend giggled again; it made Ai wonder if he said something that made her have that reaction.

"Satsuki? There's another thing I wanted to talk to you about. Daiki-kun's birthday." The raven-haired manager adjusted her phone to her other ear. "What are you getting him?" She didn't want to accidentally give him the same present.

"Hmm... I was thinking of buying new basketball socks. And those little deodorant balls for his shoes. He's starting to wear holes in the soles and, between you and me, his basketball shoes smell so bad."

Ai had to laugh at that. "I'm glad I asked. I was thinking the same thing."

"Really? I guess we do think alike!"

"Seems so," she finished giggling. "How about a new basketball?"

"Oh! That'd be great! The leather of the one he's using now is all worn out and smooth."

"I'll go shopping, then. Maybe tomorrow. Do you need or want anything? I'm going to buy a box of Miyagi sweets, too, to share with the new team as a souvenir."

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