Harry's POV


Same thing, new year

I'm only in year 10 and I'm sick of school.

It's the same exact thing everyday. Same kids roaming the halls, looking like zombies headed to their next class. It's as if we're hardwired like robots to follow the same path day after day. Last year I was excited to come to high school and maybe meet some new people, but nothing is really different here. The only change that I've noticed is the difficulty level of my stupid work.

I know some people enjoy school but it's really just not my thing. My grades are fine and all because I care about my future, but it's just tiring. And so so boring.


{Monday, Sept. 7th}

"Harry, wake up! You're going to be late."

The sunlight illuminates my entire bedroom from my Mum opening the curtains. I put my head under my pillow, just to have it ripped back off.

"Five more minutes, Mum."

"You've slept in almost an hour! I said you're going to be late now get up and get moving. Please don't make me drag you out, I can't do this today. I already had a long night at work."

At that I sigh and roll out of bed. I look in the mirror at the bags under my eyes and notice my curls all in disarray.

7:47 pm

I rush into the shower, realizing that my ride is going to be here in like 15 minutes. The water never gets a chance to warm up by the time I finish up so now I'm freezing and tired. Great.

I stayed up till the wee hours of the morning doing my homework yesterday. The school year only started a little under a month ago but my work is already piling up. Now I feel like I could sleep for 24 hours straight. Obviously I can't, but It'd sure be nice.

I slip on my usual black skinnies and throw an only slightly wrinkled white tee.

I walk downstairs too see my mother rushing to get out the door, just as I should be.

"Goodbye Harry, I'll be home by 11 because I had to pick up some extra hours, but there is dinner in the fridge for you. I love you."

"Love you too Mum. See you."

After she leaves, I grab a bowl and make myself some cereal. Cheerios, even though they're gross.

I begin to sit down to eat, but just as I do so, I hear a car horn blare from outside.

"Fuck," I mutter while I grab a banana as a substitute to my cereal. I put on my backpack and go to meet Niall and his Mum in his BMW that his parents recently bought for him for his sixteenth birthday. His parents are driving him around in it for the last few days until he gets his license.

"Wow you're a wreck," Niall says as I climb in the back seat.

"Yeah, didn't sleep much last night. Mr. Regan's homework assignment was giving me hell."

"Morning to you too Harry," his Mum says.

"Morning Mrs. Horan."

He continues and says, "Yeah, that's what you get for taking higher level classes like that. You gotta put in the work though. But did you wait all till last night to do it?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"You're never going to get through school if you keep procrastinating all your shit like that."

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