I shake my head and laugh, assuming he's kidding. Clearly he isn't, because he follows me to the bathroom.

He turns on the lights to the hallway, but leaves the bathroom light off. He leaves the bathroom door open so that a small amount of light will reach the shower.

I draw the water and wait for it to turn hot. When I look back, Louis is fully naked. No hesitation I guess.

He climbs in before I do, but I'm quick to follow behind him.

I figure as long as I'm in here, I might as well make it last as long as possible. So I grab the shampoo bottle to wash my hair.

"Strawberry," he says, "my favorite."

"I'll smell like you then."

I see him blush, then I turn around to rub the soap through my curls. As I do this, I feel his arms wrap around my torso.

As he holds me close and the water is cascading over our vulnerable bodies, I can't help but to ask him my burning question. "What are we Louis? I feel like it's more than just a few silly kisses snuck here and there."

"I like you a lot Haz," he says with his forehead up against the top of my back. Then he adds, "What are your thoughts?"

"Well one week Niall is telling me to keep an eye out for the hot girls in the upper-class, and then like two or three weeks later, I'm getting a blowjob from a boy that moved here out of the blue."

"It's new to me too, so don't expect me to have all the answers. But I'm willing to work through it together if you are."

"Okay you're right I'm sorry.."

"Don't be sorry," he says, kissing my back, and giving me one last squeeze before letting me go. That was an unsuccessful conversation.

We both clean ourselves up and get out of the steaming hot shower. Louis throws me a towel and I wrap it around my waist.

"I'm glad we have Monday and Tuesday off. I feel like I could sleep for a week straight right now," Louis softly says once we're wrapped back up in the big blanket on his bed.

He made the covers back up before we got in, since they were quite messed up.

"Yeah me too. I don't want to go back to school."

"Think about it this way. Two more weeks then we have our half term."

"Yeah I can't wait."

"Harry," Louis whispers from the other side of the bed.


"Can you cuddle me?"

I don't bother to answer, because in an instant, I move to his side of the bed and he curls himself up in my arms.

He may be older than me but he still feels so small and delicate as I hold him securely against my body.

"Goodnight love."

I try not to make it obvious that my heart just did a million flips.

"Goodnight Louis," I responded, and I kiss the back of his head.


{Saturday, Sept. 26}

I wake up and we're both in the same position we fell asleep in. I reach to the bedside table for my phone to check the time.

11:48 am

I'm pretty sure the only reason I woke up was because of how hungry I am. I don't want to get up though. I want to let Louis sleep as long as he can.

I close my eyes again and listen to the sound of his slow breathing. I know I'm not going going to be able to fall back asleep, but letting him sleep is worth it to me.

I run my fingers through his hair, which still smells like the strawberry shampoo. I smile remembering everything that happened last night. I guess I could get used to this.

But I also feel like I should talk to my Mum at least about how I feel around Louis. I usually tell her everything, and I feel like this is important.

My thoughts are interrupted as Louis does a little morning stretch and yawns.


"Good morning," he says in his raspy morning voice. I don't think I'll ever get used to how hot his voice sounds when he first wakes up. It's like music to my ears.

"Morning. I'm starving, how about you?"

"Can we just stay here a little longer? Please?"

"Fine," I say as he flips his body to face me. I scoot down on the bed so that my head is now in his chest, and he begins playing with my curls.

"Your hair's so soft. I love it." I blush and he kisses the top of my head.

I grab Louis' hip and pull him on top of me. I put my hand behind his head and pull him in for a kiss.

We kiss for a moment, then he pulls away with a disgusted look. "Morning breath."

I rolled my eyes and say, "Get over yourself."

"Brush your teeth. Then I'll kiss you."


After we brush our teeth, we go into the kitchen and search for food.

"Do you just have like cereal or something?"

"Yeah. Left cupboard."

I sit down at the dinning table to see Louis opening a banana.

Once he pulls down the peel, he looks up to meet my eyes. He smirks and starts to run his tongue over it in the same way as last night.

I nervously laugh and shake my head, not wanting to feel the need to wank or something this soon in the day.

I resume eating my cereal and Louis stops playing with his food and just eats his breakfast.

"So what's the plan for today?"

"You're asking me," I question.

"Yeah. Any ideas? I'm always the one coming up with stuff."

"Oh please. The only time you came up with something to do was when you bought a bottle of alcohol and got me incredibly drunk. Or when we got high, which doesn't count cause I don't remember it."

"We could always do something like that again," he says and laughs.

"As if, " I shake my head and laugh along. "Ooo I know. How about we go ice skating?"

"Isn't it too warm still to do that?"

"No I know a place that has indoor skating. I used to go there a lot with my parents when I was small. Plus it was never very crowded."

"Okay you convinced me. Let's do it."


Word Count: 1089

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