{Friday, Oct 30}

The week went by moderately fast, and now Zayn, Niall, Louis, and even Liam are all sitting in my living room.

Liam came up for the weekend to spend Halloween and all the partying with us.

My Mum agreed to watching Lottie for the night, but they're going to my grandparent's house for their own Halloween dinner. I also believe they're spending the night there. The five of us will be having the after party here then.

But as I said before, the four of them are all sitting in my living room (I'm assuming), and I'm still trying to get ready for the party in my room.

I guess the issue isn't that I'm still trying to get ready. I'm actually all dressed and could walk out the door right now if I wanted to. But I don't want to.

I've been staring at myself in my full length mirror for the past five minutes contemplating whether or not I actually want to wear this out.

I have on a button up white shirt, that's actually only buttoned up to about my mid-torso. I have on a cross necklace to occupy that open space because Louis said and angel should probably wear a cross. Along with that I have on feathered wings and a halo. The halo is glittery along with the slacks I'm wearing. We also found sparkled ankle boots for me to wear when we were shopping last week.

This morning, Louis painted my nails with a glittery polish.

I also got a haircut during the week so that's new too.

It all seemed fun when we were buying the outfit, but now that I've put it all on and looked in the mirror, I'm not so sure about myself.

It's not that I don't like the outfit.

I'm just afraid of what other people might say about me.

I've never worn something like this ever, let alone out in public.

And I didn't think about this now, having it be approximately 5 minutes before we should leave.

Next thing I know there is a knocking at my door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Louis. Can I come in?"


He walks in and says instantly, "You look stunning. Outstanding. Breathtaking. Per-"

"I don't want to go out."

"Wait what? Why?"

I don't respond. Instead I continue to look at the floor and play with the material of my slacks.

"Harry what's the matter?"

"Nothing. It's fine, let's just go. I'll be down in a second."

I look up for the first time and take in the sight before me.

I may have been with him when we bought it, but I couldn't have imagined it would look this good on him.

He's wearing dark red skinnies with a red tattered t-shirt of the same color. He has the horns, the mini pitchfork, and best of all, a little spiked tail is clipped on to him.

After examining all his features, I add, "Well don't you look dashing, ravishing, sexy."

He takes a step closer to me and says, "Well the look wouldn't be complete if I didn't have my angel by my side."

I shrug my shoulders and he asks, "So why don't you want to go out anymore? Are you nervous for your first party?"

"Not really the reason, no. It's just my outfit. I don't know how I feel about it?"

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